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St. Veronica Catholic Elementary School
"Enter to Learn, Prepare to Serve"
  • St. Veronica Catholic Elementary School
  • 680 Novo Star Dr.
  • Mississauga ON , L5W 1C7
  • Principal: Natalie Laporte
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 11)
    Thomas Thomas (Mississauga Ward 5)
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Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open

Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year at Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) schools is now open. DPCDSB offers the Kindergarten program in 125 Catholic elementary schools in Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon, Bolton and Orangeville. 

Parents/guardians can register online at

Registration is open to Catholic children and children of Catholic parents. Kindergarten students must be at least four (4) years of age by December 31, 2025.

The following documents are required to complete the registration process: 

  • Proof of age of the child
  • Original Roman Catholic baptismal certificate (for child and/or parent/guardian) or original baptismal certificate from a church in full communion with the Holy See of Rome or an Eastern Catholic Church.
  • Immunization Reference #'s from the local Public Health Unit
  • Proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status
  • Proof of home address
  • Proof of English Separate School Support

Please refer to the Register for School webpage for accepted forms of documentation. 

Inquiries about home school locations/boundary areas should be directed to the DPCDSB Planning Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24440.

For more information, parents/guardians should contact their local Catholic school, visit the DPCDSB website at, or call DPCDSB's Admissions Department at 905-890-1221.

French Immersion 2025-2026

As a parent/guardian of a child in a Dufferin-Peel Year 2 Kindergarten classroom, you may wish to consider the French Immersion program as a possiblility for Grade 1 in September 2025. Please see below (attachment) for more information.

FI 2025-26 Information Letter to Parents Guardians - 2024.10.pdf

 School Generated Funds Report 2018-2019

SGF Reporting Veronica 18.19.pdf




Volunteer Criminal Reference Check

In keeping with the Safe Schools Act, all volunteers going on school trips MUST have a current Criminal Reference Check on file at the office. If you have the time or inclination to be a volunteer, assist with school trips, drive for sports events, assist with our fundraiser(s), be an active member of school council by dealing with children in any capacity, please contact the office for a criminal reference check form, for the 2019- 2020 school year. As of January 1, 2018 there is a cost for Criminal Refence checks. If you already have a Criminal Reference Check on file at the school, please complete the Annual Offence Declaration form. Please have your check or declaration completed so you can continue to be an important and valued member at our school. Please come into our office if you have any questions.

For a copy of the Annual Offence Declaration Form is found here:Volunteer Annual Offence Declaration (AOD).pdf






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