2024-2025 Catholic School Council
We welcome all community members to join us at our meetings!! You do not need to be a voting member to participate in council meetings. Your support, input and presence are all greatly appreciated.
Please help us welcome the following parents to our 2024-25 Catholic School Council:
Co -Chairs - Mrs. Andrea D'Souza & Mrs. Alexandra Piasecki
Secretary - Mrs. Agnieszka Madej
Treasurer - Mrs. Tamara Pereira
Parish Rep - Mrs. Natasha Rodrigues
OAPCE Rep - Mrs. Rachel Pinto
Fundraiser Rep - Mrs. Lola Babalola-Lucas
Teacher Rep - Mrs. Kelly Silva
Parent Representatives: Mrs. Lorraine Pereira, Mr. Fred Mathew, Mrs. Kathleen D'Souza,
Mrs. Alia Vaz, Ms. Michelle Main, Mr. John Sherry
Please mark your calendars for our next School Council Meetings:
November 27th,
January 22nd,
March 26th
May 28th.
*Virtual link to attend the meeting via Zoom will be sent the day of the meeting via SchoolMessenger*
All of our CSC meetings listed above will have an option of virtual attendance. Parents/guardians are always welcome and encouraged to attend our CSC meetings as valuable members of our school community. The online links for these meetings will be shared with all parents/guardians prior to the meetings via school messenger email communication.
Our aim is to ensure that our CSC meetings are productive meetings. This means they have a purpose, and respect people's time by ensuring there is a determined beginning and end, organized in the form of an agenda which is jointly created by the principal and Catholic School Council Chair with input from members of the school community.
In the creation of this agenda, a call for agenda items will be sent to CSC members at least two weeks prior to the planned meeting. At the meeting, the items on this agenda are discussed and addressed by the nominated members of the Catholic School Council listed above. If parents/guardians that are not voting members on a school's Catholic School Council, wish to have an item to be considered to be added to the agenda, then these items need to come forward through nominated members of Catholic School Council listed above. This can be facilitated by parents/guardians sending an email to our Catholic School Council Info email account located at TCHLDSCSInfo@dpcdsb.org This account has been created to support the work of our Catholic School Council. Any items should be received at least one week prior to the meeting. At such time, the principal and Catholic School Council Chair will review the items submitted and include appropriate items on the Catholic School Council Meeting Agenda.
We again would like to thank all of those members that have come forward to support our Catholic School this year, as well as all of our parents/guardians who continue to support our Catholic school community. We look forward to walking together in service to the families entrusted to our care.
As always, should you have any questions please reach out to our school office.
The Approved Minutes for our Catholic School Council Meetings for 2024-2025
School Council Minutes_May 22 2024.pdf
Our Catholic School Council ByLaws for St.Therese of the Child Jesus
CSC ByLaws Jan.pdf
Postcard CSC Get Involved.pdf
St. Therese of the Child Jesus Past Catholic School Council Minutes
The Approved Minutes for our Catholic School Council Meetings for 2023-2024
School Council Minutes_April 24, 2024.pdf
School Council Minute_Nov 8, 2023_v1.pdf
School Council Minute_Oct. 4_ 2023.pdf
School Council Minute_May 10, 2023.pdf
The Approved Minutes for our Catholic School Council Meetings for 2022-2023
School Council Minutes_March 8, 2023.pdf
Parent Council Presentation_Jan 25, 2023 (1).pdf
School Council Minute_Nov 23, 2022 (1).pdf
Nov 23 2022_Treasurer's Report.pdf
The Approved Minutes for our Catholic School Council Meetings for 2021-2022
School Council Minutes_June 1 2022 (002).pdf
School Council Minutes April 2022.pdf
School Council Minutes_February 2, 2022.pdf
School Council Minutes_Nov 3, 2021.pdf
School Council Minutes_Sept 29, 2021.pdf
The Approved Minutes for our Catholic School Council Meetings for 2020-2021
School Council Minute_May 26, 2021.pdf
School Council Minute_April 26, 2021.pdf
School Council Minute_Feb 10, 2021.pdf
School Council Minute_October 19, 2020.pdf
School Council Minutes_June 10, 2020.pdf
The Approved Minutes for our Catholic School Council Meetings (2018-2019)
Approved School Council Minutes October.pdf
Here are the minutes for April 2019
Here are the minutes for January 2019
Here are the minutes for November 2018
Here are the minutes for September 2018