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St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School
"Striving for Excellence in Catholic Education; to give our students a Purpose and Hope for Life."
  • St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School
  • 50 Bristol Road West
  • Mississauga ON , L5R 3K3
  • Principal: Ferdinando Tantalo
  • Vice Principal(s): David Parisotto
    Derek McWilliam
    Joanne Le Prevost-Groves
    Daniella Gizzi
  • Superintendents: Dulcie Belchior
  • Trustee: Thomas Thomas (Mississauga Ward 5)
    Stefano Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 4)
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How to Register for St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School -


Grade 9 Registration for DPCDSB Feeder School Students

  • St. Hilary
  • St. Jude
  • St. Matthew
  • San Lorenzo Ruiz
  • St. Valentine (residents who live east of Mavis)
  • St. Barbara (IB elementary)

These feeder school students will register directly with their elementary school.  You do NOT need to download the registration application from the schools' website.  In November, Xavier Guidance Counsellors will be visiting our feeder schools to drop off the application packages and provide an Grade 9 Information session for students.  In January, Xavier Guidance Counsellors will visit feeder schools to pick up the registration packages and to help students with course selection.  Please note that NO registration is required at this time.

Registration for ALL other DPCDSB AND NON DPCDSB Students


Students currently enrolled in other school boards, such as Peel, or for students interested in IB and that are out of our boundary, please complete the St. Francis Xavier's school registration package below.   If you currently attend a Dufferin Peel elementary school and live outside of the St. Francis Xavier school boundary, you must follow the Flex boundary procedures first, by contacting your local Catholic High School to request a flex  boundary application.
Step 1- Verify that your home address resides within our school boundary:

  • For St. Francis Xavier mainstream regular programming, click on the following link to see what school the student should attend:    

BusPlanner Web - BusPlanner Web (


Click on the following link to view our School Boundary Map:
STFXSBoundaryMap.pdf (

  • For students interested in IB, make sure that your address resides within the boundaries for IB 

 Step 2- Pay the St. Francis Xavier Program Activity Fee:

  • $45 Student activity fee for school-based initiatives, materials, and school activities to promote the student school experience.  Proof of payment must be provided when handing in the registration package to the Xavier Guidance office.

FEES are paid through School Cash Online at:   2025-2026 St. Francis Xavier Registration Fee *

*The link should be used for non-DPCDSB students who are enrolling with the Dufferin-Peel Board for the first time. All students from our feeder schools will be automatically attached to the SCO on their account.

*please note that IB applications will also have additional IB program fees of $250 for the Grade 9 PreIB program. (Instructions are provided in the IB program registration information)


  • Complete an Online Registration via the DPCDSB website if the student is new to DPCDSB.

If the student registering has never attended, at any time, a DPCDSB school or ANY programming offered by DPCDSB, you must complete the online registration process through the DPCDSB website prior to registering at St. Francis Xavier. 

Please use this lin​k to apply to the Catholic School Board:  Secondary School Registration (

Step 4- Print and fully complete the St. Francis Xavier Catholic School Registration:

  • Please print and complete the registration package, below, for St. Francis Xavier.  ALL STUDENTS REGISTERING AT ST. FRANCIS XAVIER FOR THE 2025-2026 school year must submit the completed Registration Package below, in person to the Guidance office, according to the following dates:

2025-2026 Xavier Registration Package.pdf

Step 5- Hand in Registration Packages, in person, to St. Francis Xavier Guidance office:


Students with last names:

A - K   --> Wednesday January 22nd, 2025 from 12-2 pm.
L - R    --> Thursday January 23rd, 2025 from 12- 2 pm.
S – Z   --> Friday January 24th, 2025 from 12- 2 pm.

For those who are not able to attend on your scheduled date an alternate date of Monday January 27th from 12 -2 pm is also available.


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