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St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School
"Striving for Excellence in Catholic Education; to give our students a Purpose and Hope for Life."
  • St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School
  • 50 Bristol Road West
  • Mississauga ON , L5R 3K3
  • Principal: Ferdinando Tantalo
  • Vice Principal(s): David Parisotto
    Derek McWilliam
    Joanne Le Prevost-Groves
    Daniella Gizzi
  • Superintendents: Dulcie Belchior
  • Trustee: Thomas Thomas (Mississauga Ward 5)
    Stefano Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 4)
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Ethics and Confidentiality

​The issue of confidentiality of the information transmitted between a guidance counselor and a student is governed by several pieces of legislation in addition to professional codes of conduct. Personal information collected by the counselor is governed by freedom of information legislation. Written information that is included in the Ontario Student Record (OSR) is governed by the Education Act, the Ontario Student Record (OSR) Guideline, 1989, and freedom of information legislation.

Students should be informed that any information they give to guidance counselors will be kept confidential except in circumstances in which freedom of information legislation or other legislation requires or permits guidance counselors to release information to specified individuals.

If during the course of a counseling relationship a guidance counselor or other board employee becomes aware that the student may be or may have been suffering abuse, the guidance counselor or other board employee is required by the Child and Family Services Act to report the suspicion to the Children's Aid Society (CAS) if the student is under sixteen years of age. (Refer to Policy/Program Memorandum No. 9, "Child in Need of Protection/Child Abuse Reporting Requirements"December 15, 1986, for further information.

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