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St. Edith Stein Catholic Elementary School
"To Have A Friend, You Must Be A Friend"
  • St. Edith Stein Catholic Elementary School
  • 6234 Osprey Boulevard
  • Mississauga ON , L5N 5V5
  • Principal: Marco Di Muzio
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Laura Odo
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 10)
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St. Josephine Bakhita Church

3200 Thomas St., Mississauga ON, L5M 0N7

Pastor:  Reverend Mark Villaneuva

Administrative Assistant:  Cecelia Vaz

Tel: 905-826-1143    Fax: 905-826-0489



YouTube Channel:  St. Josephine Bakhita YouTube Channel


Sunday Masses

Saturday:  Vigisl Mass 5:00 pm

Sunday:     7:30 a.m., 9 a.m. 11 a.m. and12:30 p.m.


Daily Masses:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday:  7:00 pm

Tuesday and Thursday:  7:30 am

 First Mass for 2023-2024 School Year

October 12, 2023 @ 9:30 a.m. in the gym

Livestreamed from Parish YouTube channel: St. Josephine Bakhita YouTube Channel 

Followed by fellowship, meeting new friends and/or reconnecting with old ones in the Parish Hall.

This event is not just for you, it's for your friends too! So, spread the word, invite your buddies, and let's make this a celebration to remember. We want to see the hall buzzing with laughter and excitement as we come together as a community.

So, save the date – July 8th at 5:00pm and get ready to have an absolute blast at this youth gathering! Remember, it's open to all youths in grades 5-12 from all around Mississauga.

Let's make this event an unforgettable one, together!

If you would like to attend this Gathering

Please email:  or call 905-826-1143​

Invitation to Register for First Communion/First Reconciliation​

Invitation to Register for Confirmation



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