Home > Parents Share : MathifyMathifyIf your child needs some help with their math, they can access Mathify for free! Mathify is excited to start a second year of providing TVO Mathify (tvomathify.com) to students and educators across Ontario. They are proud to have served over 47,000 students throughout the province last year, and this year, they are looking forward to helping even more students who are studying the grades 7 to 10 math curriculum. TVO Mathify transforms where and how students learn grades 6 to 10 math. This innovative platform provides a seamless learning experience through the combination of an enriched online classroom tool and live after-school math tutoring by Ontario Certified Teachers. Students can connect to TVO Mathify’s live tutors during our newly extended hours of 3:30pm – 5:30pm ET, Sunday through Thursday. Students and educators also can use and share an interactive whiteboard and a personal “My Stuff” math portfolio during and after school. TVO Mathify is free to use and access for all students and educators in the publicly funded school system! Please click this link to get more information on how to access this resource. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I0jSazithjecJcn_mn5Pro-JWoHC_6uV/view?usp=sharing