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St. Roch Catholic Secondary School
"Light of the Mind…Light of the World"
  • St. Roch Catholic Secondary School
  • 200 Valleyway Dr.
  • Brampton ON , L6X0N3
  • Principal: Natalie Currah
  • Vice Principal(s): Jennifer Kuhlmann
    Nadine Dornford

  • Superintendents: Viviana Varano
  • Trustee: Darryl D'Souza (Brampton Ward 5, 6)
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Clubs and Organizations

​St. Roch CSS is home to many clubs and student organizations each school year. Below you will see a list of the various clubs and student organizations that are at St. Roch.

Chaplaincy TeamSouth Asian Student Union
Weight Room ClubHispanic Student Association *
Homework ClubBSU – Black Student Union
HOSA ClubMSA – Muslim Student Association
Bible Study ClubROCH PSA – Punjabi Student Association
Mental Health ClubSAGA – Sexuality & Gender Alliance
Volleyball and Soccer
Writer's Club: The Raven's Quill *Student Council **
Student Faith Ambassadors *Regional Arts Student Council **
STEM Club 
Jam Club 
Computer Science Club 
Ski Club *Clubs (cont)
Crochet Lunch Club *Film Club
Debate Team *Run Club
Book ClubCheer Team
Roch Players: Drama ClubArts & Crafts Club
Wrestling Club 
Eco Club 
D&D/Games/Chess Club 
Hip Hop Crew**

Show, Gospel, Vocal Jazz, Treble Vocal Jazz, Chamber Choirs
BAND: **
Symphonic, Concert and Jazz
Drumline **
School Plays/Musicals
Awareness Days:
Down Syndrome and Autism Awareness
Culture Day/Fest
Various Associations Support
Jazz, Acro & Contemporary Ensemble
Black History Month
Yearbook **
Black Professional Showcase
Business SHSM **

* New in 2024/2025         **To be auditioned/applied for/Part of School Program

For a more comprehensive list of dates and times that clubs run, please visit the Clubs Info Board outside the cafeteria in the Matrix and scan the QR Code. 

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