Audition Information
Audition Requirements PDF -
Vocal Audition Requirements.pdf
Early One Morning Sheet Music -
Early One Morning.pdf
Students will be asked to complete three elements as part of their audition.
PART A - Performance (own choice)
- Students are to prepare their own vocal selection
- Selections should reflect own personal style and should highlight the strengths that the student will bring to the program
- This song should be memorized
PART B - Performance (required choice)
- Students will perform "Early One Morning" (Refer to the recordings listed below)
- Memorization is not required but recommended
PART C - Rhythm Studies
- Students will be asked to clap the two bar rhythms below
- Counting out loud is acceptable
Rhythms Reference Recordings

Early One Morning (Soprano/Alto)
Early One Morning (Tenor/Bass)
Piano Accompaniment Only