Welcome to St. Roch Catholic Secondary School!
St. Roch is a Regional Centre for the Arts with curriculum in dance, drama, instrumental music, media arts and vocal music.
St. Roch CSS Mission Statement
The mission of the St. Roch Catholic Secondary School Community is to:
Love God and Love Our Neighbour
Love Learning
Discover Our Place in the World and in the Universe
Work for Justice and Peace for All
Develop Our Imagination, Our Creativity, and Our Reasoning Skills
Grow into People who Live a Life of Love and Service of Others
"When he was a young man, St. Roch's parents died leaving him alone in the world. St. Roch sold all he owned, gave his money to the poor and became a pilgrim in search of God. St. Roch found God in other people; he served God by caring for the sick and dying during the Plague"
May we too find our calling. May we live by our schoo's Scriptural motto:
You are the Salt of the Earth ... You are the Light of the World.
General Information
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