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St. Richard Catholic Elementary School
"Love - Faith - Kindness - Hope "
  • St. Richard Catholic Elementary School
  • 7270 Copenhagen Road
  • Mississauga ON , L5N 2C3
  • Principal: Tanya Brancalion
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 9)
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School History

April 3rd is the feast of Saint Richard.


 Saint Richard was a man of strong character, a scholar, but sensible and practical as well, energetic, kind, modest about his own powers, cheerful and courageous. He loved people and was greatly beloved by them.

He went to Oxford and studied theology. He continued his studies at Paris and Bologna. When his mentor and friend, Edmund of Abingdon became Archbishop of Canterbury, Richard was made his Chancellor. After Edmund died  he was ordained by the Bishop and returned to England as a parish priest in Kent. In 1244 the Bishop of Chichester died; the canons elected Richard as their bishop. 

Richard was bishop for only eight years. With friends, Simon of Tarring; William, his chaplain; and Friar Ralph Bocking, by the bedside, and surrounded by a crowd of priests, religious and laity, Richard de la Wyche, Bishop of Chichester, died at midnight on 3 April 1253. He was about fifty-six. "His venerable body was buried in a humble place in that same church, near the altar of the Blessed Edmund the Confessor which he himself had built on the northern side of the cathedral, where great and wonderful miracles were performed." 

Miracles were reported of Saint Richard even in his lifetime, or miraculous interpretations were given to events. He is often shown with a chalice at his feet. Legend says that once when he was celebrating Mass he dropped the chalice, but no wine was spilt.


 Saint Richard's Prayer

Thanks be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ

For all the benefits Thou hast given me,

For all the pains and insults Thou hast borne for me

O most merciful Redeemer, friend and brother,

May I know Thee more clearly

Love Thee more dearly

And follow Thee more nearly

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