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Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School
"To Know, To Love, To Serve God"
  • Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School
  • 6500 Old Church Rd.
  • Caledon East ON , L7C 0H3
  • Principal: Diana Speranza
  • Vice Principal(s): Filomena Littlejohn
    Antonio De Franco
    James Vitale
    Nicole Mondesir
  • Superintendents: Adrian Scigliano
  • Trustee: Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Caledon Ward 3, 1, 2 & 4)
    Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Dufferin Ward 1)
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Modern Languages

Welcome to the Modern Language Department. 

The goals of all French programs in Ontario ​are to develop strong skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in French, and to provide students with an understanding of cultures of French-speaking societies by integrating cultural study into daily language instruction. 

French Info_website.PNG

 Click on the following link to learn more about the French program at Robert F. Hall  Francais a Robert F Hall 

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