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Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School
"To Know, To Love, To Serve God"
  • Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School
  • 6500 Old Church Rd.
  • Caledon East ON , L7C 0H3
  • Principal: Diana Speranza
  • Vice Principal(s): Filomena Littlejohn
    James Vitale
    Amy Castellano
    Antonio De Franco
  • Superintendents: Adrian Scigliano
  • Trustee: Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Caledon Ward 3, 1, 2 & 4)
    Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Dufferin Ward 1)
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Cooperative Education

What is Cooperative Education (Co-op)? 

Cooperative Education is a ministry-approved program that allows students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement. The program consists of a co-op course monitored by a cooperative education teacher, a related curriculum course in any subject and a work placement. 

Students can apply two co-op credits towards their compulsory high school graduation requirements, with no limit on earning optional co-op credits. Co-op placements are arranged for students by their secondary school and must follow Ministry of Education policy and guidelines. 

Who is it for? 

Co-op programs are for secondary students who are heading for apprenticeship, college, university or the workplace. 

Key benefits of co-op programs 

Co-op students have the opportunity to: 

Experience hands-on learning 

“Test-drive” career options 

See the relevance of their classroom learning 

Earn credits through workplace experience 

Develop the essential skills and habits required in the workplace 

Gain valuable work experience that will help build a resumé for postsecondary programs and future employment. 




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Harold Vanderveen Kemerink Farms 


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Jared Tepper  Skymark Woodworking


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Princess Shirley Champs Sports 


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Matthew Bihnan Co-operators Insurance 


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Josh Beitz  Top Lift  


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Jacob Satino  Ozz Electric    


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Danielle Wells  The Salvation Army 


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Noah Clauser  Sinking Ship Entertainment


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Paul Jondy  Pro Auto Body  


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Taylor Perkins  Tall Pines Montessori  


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Aysha Mantilla Theatre Orangeville 




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