Welcome to the Theology Department at Philip Pocock!
The major areas of study in Religious Education courses in Catholic secondary schools are organized into six distinct but related strands, which will be integrated in a variety of teaching strategies.
Sacred Scripture
Sacred Scripture, a gift of God’s revelation, has a privileged place in Religious Education course. As a primary source of God’s revelation, the Bible records to covenantal relationship between God, the Jewish people, and the Christian Church.
Profession of Faith
Young people need help to put their faith into words. They should be able to express what they believe in language that is common to believers around the world and across the centuries. Essential to the Catholic tradition are the Church’s creeds, doctrinal statements, and the authoritative teachings of the Magisterium. Students will achieve a genuine understanding of these teachings so that their learning becomes an intelligent articulation of their faith in a language that is appropriate to both the Catholic tradition and to their age and ability.
Christian Moral Development
The modern world is characterized by a collection of values, philosophies, and ideologies. In the pluralistic society that is Canada, these perspectives may creatively interact and reinforce one another, or they may compete with and contradict one another. It is imperative that students are given the means with which to make sound moral choices and judgments in both personal and social spheres of life.
Prayer and Sacramental Life
This strand includes all of the various ways that the Church expresses its faith in worship, whether it be in personal prayer, liturgy or celebration. In many ways, it refers primarily to the actions that demonstrate thankful awareness of God’s presence in the world.
Family Life Education: Catholic Family Life Education is a multi-disciplinary curriculum area, designed to promote the Christian formation of children and adolescents in authentic human values related to personhood. The role of the school should be that of assisting and completing the work of parents, furnishing children and adolescents with an evaluation of sexuality as value and task of the whole person crated in the image of God.
Research and Inquiry
A well-rounded education in religious education is about much more than just providing students with knowledge of facts. Students must be given opportunities to develop the skills and habits of mind needed to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information.