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St. Peter Catholic Elementary School
"Developing and Sharing our Faith"
  • St. Peter Catholic Elementary School
  • 46 Dawson Road
  • Orangeville ON , L9W 2W3
  • Principal: Liz Branco
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Adrian Scigliano
  • Trustee: Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Caledon Ward 1, 4)
    Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Dufferin Ward 1)
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Thank you very much author Alessia Dickson for visiting our school last week!  Your words were really inspiring!  Check out her website at and don’t forget to take the “elementalist” quiz.  You can still purchase books from Ms. T...... $20.00 for  book 1 or $35.00 for book 1 and 2.  Happy reading!  Ms. T has also purchased these books for our school library.  Happy reading and have a wonderful Christmas holiday!  God bless everyone!

Ms. T


Book 1: The Crystal Chronicles and Book 2: The Crystal Chronciles - The Lost Temple will be available to purchase for 20.00 on the day of the presentation.  Or you can purchase both for 35.00. 







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