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Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Elementary School
"Helping Youth Toward a Brighter Future"
  • Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Elementary School
  • 39 Sunset Boulevard
  • Brampton ON , L6X 1X1
  • Principal: Alessandra Fiore
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Viviana Varano
  • Trustee: Anisha Thomas (Brampton Ward 1)
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School Site 

School Council

Our Lady of Fatima School Council



Please refer to monthly calendars.


Parents/guardians who wish to join parent council can see Mrs. Fiore for further details.  ALL ARE WELCOME!

All parents/guardians are welcome!!! Approved minutes from previous
meetings are available below.

2024-2025 School Council

2023-2024 School Council

We congratulate our newly elected executive of Catholic School Council. A list of the CSC
executive for the 2021-2022 school year is below:
- Chair: Agnes Mocko     Our Lady of Fatima (905) 459 4737   Dufferin Peel Catholic Disrict School Board (905) 890 1221
- Secretary: Patricia Crowe

Our Catholic School Council is governed by the By-Laws created and approved at the October
6th, 2020 meeting. Please refer to the most recent version of our Catholic School Council ByLaws for Our Lady of Fatima.

 Mission Statement

The mission of our advisory council is to enhance communication among parents, the Board, the School and the Catholic community; to nurture an atmosphere that promotes dialogue, stimulates interaction, and creates opportunities to enrich the educational experiences of all students.

Meetings are held in the school conference room, starting at 7:00 p.m.

All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Information regarding Parent Council elections was sent home early in September.

Please plan to get involved with your School Council. 


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