Home > Learning Share : LearningMath at Home Resource LinkSupports for Math Learning at Home:https://dpmathathome.my.canva.site/Ministry Expectations and Curriculum Learning 2023/2024Here are a list of current specific expectations:English and FSL Literacy - Long Range Plans.pdfMinistry Mathematics Long Range Plans - By Question Grades 1 to 8.pdfGrade 1 - LRP-Specific Expectations Listed.pdfGrade 2 - LRP-Specific Expectations Listed.pdfGrade 3 - LRP-Specific Expectations Listed.pdfGrade 4 - LRP-Specific Expectations Listed.pdfGrade 5 - LRP-Specific Expectations Categorized.pdfGrade 6 - LRP-Specific Expectations Categorized.pdfGrade 7 - LRP-Specific Expectations Categorized.pdfGrade 8 - LRP-Specific Expectations Categorized.pdfSocial Studies - Long Range Plans.pdf