Notre Dame offers a variety of clubs throughout the school year that allow students to express themselves in different ways, whether it be through music, art, drama, business, or fitness. These clubs promote school spririt and foster a sense of community. The clubs also plan and help organize over 20 events throughout the school year that are open for all students to participate in!
Clubs at ND
Asian Student Alliance Athletic Council
Band (Jazz & Concert) Bhangra Dance Club Black African and Carribbean Student Alliance Book Club
Chaplaincy Team Coding Club Choir (Concert)
Debate Club DECA Doctors of Tomorrow Drama Club
Green Knights & Fair Trade Club
Hindu Student Association
K-Crew Knights4MH Mental Health Club
Library Ambassadors
Math Club Model UN Muslim Stduent Alliance
ND Student Equity Collective
Peer Tutoring PRYSM (GSA)
South Asian Student Alliance Sikh Student Association STEAM IC Stomp Dance Club Student Council