The ND Library Learning Commons Book Catalogue
Need a book, but not sure if the library has it? Check our Library Catalogue!
The ND Library Learning Commons has over 10,000 books that can be searched using the online Library Catologue. You can access this catologue from school or from the comfort of your own home! See if a book is on the shelf or even place a hold on it if the book is out with someone else!
To start searching, CLICK THE PICTURE:
Things to know about the Book Catalogue:
The book catalogue is sometimes called an OPAC (Online Patron Access Catalogue)
Our catalogue holds our entire collection: Non-Fiction, Fiction, Reference and everything in between.
Still having trouble finding the right book? Visit us at the library!
Our Book Collection
The library is organized into 2 main categories:
Fiction - novels that are based on imaginary places or people
Non-Fiction - books that are based on facts, real events, and real people
Fiction books are shelved by the author’s last name. Every fiction book will have a label on the spine with an F followed by the first three letters of the authors’ LAST NAME.
Non-Fiction books are organized by SUBJECT and are placed into numbered categories, called the Dewey Decimal System. See the image below for a breakdown of how the non-fiction books are catergorized, or better yet, come to the library and see for yourself!