Student Accident Insurance
Please click the following link for more information on Student Accident Insurance
IMKE 6-panel (digital w app_8.5x11).pdf
Student Asthma Package
Please print and send the completed package to the main office if your child has asthma and/or you reported asthma to the school as a medical concern.
GF405 - Physical Activity Participation Form
The following form must be filled out and returned to school by all students participating in Physical Education This Quadmester
GF405 Physical Activity Participation.pdf
Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR)
Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR) is a consortium, formed by agreement between the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Peel District School Board, for the purpose of providing a common administration of transportation services for students residing in the Region of Peel.
The STOPR website provides access to up-to-date information regarding delayed buses as well as bus cancellations due to inclement weather. This website also contains transportation policies, procedures, forms and frequently asked questions. Additionally, there is also a link from this website to which provides information as to school of attendance and eligibility for transportation.
For more information, visit STOPR or for parent/student/general public inquiries, call 905-890-6000 or 1-800-668-1140.
What is my bussing info?
Use your student Ontario Educational Number (OEN) [located on all report cards] to find specifc stop locations, pick up and drop off times on STOPR.
Student Uniform
The School Dress Code/Uniform Policy outlined below has been developed within the guidelines of the General Administrative Procedures (#500) of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, and has been endorsed by our Catholic School Council.
See R.J. McCarthy website.
The school uniform plays an important role in distinguishing our students as members of the Notre Dame school community. Our students wear their uniform with pride and a strong sense of belonging to the school. The uniform is a symbol of our extraordinary students and their achievements, in service to others and in leadership to the school community and beyond.
When wearing the uniform, students display their commitment to the founding principles, values, history, and traditions of the school, including our motto, "Justice, Love, and Peace." As such, it is one of the most important and visible representations of Notre Dame to the outside community. Consequently, all members of our school community should treat the uniform with respect and seriousness. In these matters we expect the cooperation and support of parents who have chosen to send their child to a uniformed school.
The Notre Dame uniform guidelines consists of:
-clean and neat embroidered rugby shirt or golf shirt
-clean and hemmed embroidered black pants in good repair, not tapered or cuffed
-all black shoes including black sole, with no distinguishing coloured markings - closed toe and closed heel - sneaker, running shoe, or dress shoe - no moccasins, high tops, or boots
-gym uniform must be purchased from R.J. McCarthy
Students are to be in full uniform every day upon arrival at school until they leave at the end of the day. Students must be in full uniform to attend classes. The uniform must be worn in the school at all times and in all areas of the school.
-no head gear
-no caps
-no sweaters
-no hoodies
Principal's Letter re Uniform July 2017.pdf to parents from Principal, July 2017.

Like many Catholics, you may be surprised to find out that you are not registered as a Separate (Catholic) School Supporter, but rather, as a Public School Supporter.
By directing your tax support to the Separate (Catholic) School System:
- You may vote for Separate (Catholic) School Trustees in Municipal elections
- Your children may attend Catholic elementary schools
- You show your support for the Catholic school system
To verify that you are an English Separate (Catholic) School Supporter, check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice. To register as a Separate (Catholic) School Supporter or change your Direction of School Support, please contact the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Admissions Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24512