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St. Michael Catholic Secondary School
  • St. Michael Catholic Secondary School
  • 9130 Columbia Way
  • Bolton ON , L7E4G6
  • Principal: Josie Lorenzon
  • Vice Principal(s): Catherine Lindsay
    Riccardo Scalzo

  • Superintendents: Adrian Scigliano
  • Trustee: Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Caledon Ward 4, 2 & 5)
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Databases and eBooks

The St. Michael Library and Information Resource Centre offers a wide variety of databases for you to access from school or home.  Click on each logo to get started.  



​Library eResources


 ​Find a vast range of full-text journal articles and news with databases including Academic OneFile, CPIQ and much more.


Gale Health and Wellness.JPG

​This database contains an abundance of current articles on topics including teen health, world diseases, research and more.


Britannica School Edition

This online encyclopedia provides students with the abilities to search, tag, save and share a variety of information.


Bloom's Literature

Containing some of the world's most important works and figures in literature, Bloom's Literature allows the user to search by author, title, time period, characters, and more.



myBlueprint is a Canadian education planning website created to assist secondary school students with course selections and career planning. 
Once logged into the site, students will enter: stmichaelcss when prompted for an Access Key. Students will then use their OEN number for their username and then create his/her own password.


Statistics Canada logo.JPG

Create graphs and charts using Canadian Census startistics, including poplulation and socioeconomic data.


 CPL logo.JPG

 The Caledon Public Library had a huge selections of databases for use. (You may require a CPL library card for some access.)


Curio.JPG is CBC/Radio-Canada's online subscriber-based streaming service which has been created for the Canadian educational community. Content covers topics in the arts, math and science, health, social studies, business, technology, and includes ​​:

  • CBC Short Docs

  • Stratford Festival productions

  • Canada: a people's history

  • Dragon's Den

  • National Geographic channel

  • BBC channel​​


Digital Theatre.JPG

Stream over 300 theatre productions and watch interviews with writers, directors and actors. Content is searchable by genre and includes curriculum connections.


Naxos icon.JPG
Naxos Music Library is a comprehensive classical music streaming platform of over 2 million tracks that also includes album compilations, composer and artist biographies, study guides, and music dictionary.




sOverdrive logo.JPG

Check out at all the titles and genres available through Overdrive. 








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