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St. Michael Catholic Secondary School
  • St. Michael Catholic Secondary School
  • 9130 Columbia Way
  • Bolton ON , L7E4G6
  • Principal: Josie Lorenzon
  • Vice Principal(s): Shawn Clarkin
    Catherine Lindsay

  • Superintendents: Adrian Scigliano
  • Trustee: Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Caledon Ward 4, 2 & 5)
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The Pathway Room


 ​​Pathway banner.JPG

The name of this room is inspired by the Ministry's document, Creating Pathways to Success. It states: “The reality is that the challenges and opp​ortunities faced by students in this century are unlike those of any previous generation, and that all students today require specific knowledge and skills in education and career/life planning to support them in making sound choices throughout their lives.” (Creating Pathways 6).

In alignment with Creating Pathways to Success document, The Pathway Room (132), centers on three fundamental principles:
1. All students can be successful
2. Success comes in many forms
3. There are many pathways to success
In this classroom, students recover credits, take new credits, and use this room for credit rescue. It is holistic and recognizes that career/life planning and, “Programming takes the whole student into account, recognizing that, for every student, success is influenced by many factors (e.g., cognitive, emotional, social, physical)” (9).

In The Pathway Room, our goal is to encourage students to take risks, promote learning, ​develop learning skills and work habits, while also instilling a sense of confidence. When students are at the center of their learning, they will grow to believe that, "... the world beyond school has something to offer them, and that they have something to offer the world.”(7).

Call extension 29132 for availability
To set up an appointment, please fill out the Google Form found on the SST Google Classroom, or email

Creating Pathways to Success An Education and Career/Life Planning Program for Ontario Schools: Policy and Program Requirements from Kindergarten to
Grade 12. Ontario Ministry of Education, 2013, Accessed 18 June 2022.​​

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