Mission Statement
St. Michael Catholic Secondary School mathematics department is committed to meeting the needs of our diverse student body and to promoting high educational standards by incorporating all aspects of catholic education. These high standards can be obtained by differentiating instruction, nurturing the spiritual wellbeing of each student, strategic and higher level thinking skills and inspiring a love for mathematics. There are INFINITE number of possibilities in the world of mathematics.
"Grace adds, sin subtracts. Christ multiplies, the devil divides. Scripture teaches us math
(though not in Numbers)" - Mark Hart
Saint Hubertus or Hubert is the patron saint of hunters, mathematicians, opticians, and metalworkers. For all of our students writing math tests: "Saint Hubert... pray for us"
Check out our
Mathematics Pathways Poster.pdf to achieve your goals!
Mathify Links
Homework Help for Grade 9 and 10 Students:
For homework help afterschool, visit the link shown above. You will have access to a free tutor who will answer any math question online! This will work afterschool until about 10PM.
Free Online Tutoring for Grade 11 and 12 Students
Free online tutoring by certified Ontario teachers. Get homework help in math for grades 11-12. It's live and anonymous!
Math Help
Math teachers are available by appointment, students should set up a time with their teacher before school, at lunch or after school for extra help.
Additional resources, including past tests, are available here:
Waterloo Math Contest
The Waterloo Math Contest will be taking place on the following dates:
February 23, 2021, Pascal (Grade 9), Cayley (Grade 10), Fermat (Grade 11). You can register online through the link below by February 5th 2021
April 7, 2021 - Euclid (Grade 12) (Mandatory for those apply for Math at Waterloo) Pl.ease contact Ms. Grzesiuk
Follow this link for more information and practice tests:
Extra Math Links
An excellent site where concepts are taught through video clips. Just search for a topic and watch the video!
CLIPS (Critical Learning Instructional Paths Supports) are web-based interactive supports for students. They provide precise, personalized learning activities for instruction, remediation or enrichment
If you want a more hands on experience with mathematics use the virtual manipulative library.
Purplemath's algebra lessons are written with the student in mind. These lessons emphasize the practicalities rather than the technicalities, demonstrating dependable techniques, warning of likely "trick" questions, and pointing out common mistakes. The lessons are cross-referenced to help you find related material, and a "search" box is on every page to help you find what you're looking for.
Specific Math Topic Web Search
This site was created by the Peel District School Board. It is a excellent site to search for any secondary school math topic.
Khan Acaademy
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.
E-learning and other DPCDSB links
Course Outlines
Check out the variety of courses offered at St. Michael
Grade 9 Essentials.pdf
Grade 9 Applied - Foundations of Mathematics.pdf
Grade 9 Academic - Principles of Mathematics.pdf
Grade 10 Essentials.pdf
Grade 10 Applied - Foundations of Mathematics.pdf
Grade 10 Academic - Principles of Mathematics.pdf
Grade 11 Workplace - Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life.pdf
Grade 11 College Preparation Mathematics.pdf
Grade 11 Mixed University College Preparation - Functions and Applications.pdf
Grade 11 University Preparation - Functions.pdf
Grade 12 College Preparation - Foundations.pdf
Grade 12 University Preparation - Advanced Functions.pdf
Grade 12 University Preparation - Calculus and Vectors.pdf
Grade 12 University Preparation - Data Management.pdf