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St. Michael Catholic Secondary School
  • St. Michael Catholic Secondary School
  • 9130 Columbia Way
  • Bolton ON , L7E4G6
  • Principal: Josie Lorenzon
  • Vice Principal(s): Shawn Clarkin
    Catherine Lindsay

  • Superintendents: Adrian Scigliano
  • Trustee: Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Caledon Ward 4, 2 & 5)
+More School Info
School Site 

Health and Physical Education

Physed Web.png 

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  Therefore, honor God with your body"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Corinthians 6:19


Saint Sebastian
St. Sebastian is a Christian saint and martyr. In Roman Catholicism, Sebastian is the patron saint of athletes as well as the patron saint of archers. He is commonly depicted in art and literature tied to a post or tree and shot with arrows. The artistic depiction of St Sebastian is considered symbolic of the virtues and gifts of strength, stamina, perseverance, courage and justice in the face of adversity.


Our Mission Statement: 
It is the goal of the St. Michael Health and Physical Education Department that students acquire an appreciation of the benefits of leading a healthy active lifestyle. We believe that the pursuit of knowledge in combination with sport and athletics, is a microcosm of life reinforcing many characteristics necessary for success, while strengthening core gospel values of faith, love and respect. 


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 Physical Education Courses

​Grade Courses



Physical Education Teachers


Ceccarelli, P.   - Phys-Ed Teacher/ Department Head/ Athletic Director/ SHSM Lead

Duchich, M.  Phys-Ed Teacher

Durigon, C.   - Phys-Ed Teacher/Athletic Transfer Contact

Molle, C.   - Phys-Ed Teacher

​Schrei, A.   -Phys-Ed Teacher/SHSM Lead ​


          Student Goals.jpg  Expectations.jpg

                    Goals.pdf                                               Student Expectations.pdf

      outcomes.jpg  Attendance.jpg

               Student Outcomes.pdf                               Absence and Attendance Policy.pdf




Important Student Permission Forms



Medical Permission Form.pdf


Transportation Form.pdf


Learn To Run Permission Form.pdf


Physed Web.jpg 


What is S.H.S.M?_____________________________________________


A Sepcialist High Skills Major is a Ministry approved program that allows students to focus their learning ona specific economic sector while meeting the requirements to graduate from secondary school.

SHSMs assists students in the transition from secondary school to:

  • The Workplace
  • Apprecenticeships
  • College
  • Univeristy

For more infomration abour our SHSM program, please follow the links below:



SHSM Bundle of Credits (A Guide for Parents)


Reach Ahead.jpg 

                                                       Click Here.pdf


                     Community Partners

  • Centre for Health and Wellness
  • YMCA - Cedar Glen
  • Sheridan College


                           Important SHSM Forms

SHSM Student Application.pdf

G405 Medical Form.pdf

GF117S Tranportation Form.pdf










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