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Father Francis McSpiritt Catholic Elementary School
"In Hoc Signo Vinces"
  • Father Francis McSpiritt Catholic Elementary School
  • 55 Lexington Road
  • Brampton ON , L6P 2B1
  • Principal: Rick Gavin
  • Vice Principal(s): Marie Steward

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 8, 10)
+More School Info
School Site 


​For Educational Links, click here.



Free Math Homework Help for grade 7 to 10 students, click here.



Link to effective study tips for students:



Practice typing website:



DP Cloud 365, click here.

The purpose of using Office 365 is to provide collaboration between Teacher and Student as well as Student to Student. Students have the ability to access work if they have missed a day at school. This new tool gives students the ability to work independently or simultaneously on group assignments/projects from wherever they may be as long as they have a computer and an Internet connection.

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  • Office 365 at School: 

    Open a browser and type dpcloud in the address field.

  • Using iPad at School:

    Launch Microsoft (Office) 365 App or type dpcloud in address field of Safari.

  • Office 365 at Home:

    Open a browser and type in the address field.

In the Username field, enter your child's Student Number.

In the Password field, enter your child's Password.



myBlueprint, click here

This education planner supports student exploration, planning, and decision making for grades 7 to 12 and post-secondary education.



Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations


ResizeOntario Catholic School Graduate Expectations.jpg 

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