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Father Francis McSpiritt Catholic Elementary School
"In Hoc Signo Vinces"
  • Father Francis McSpiritt Catholic Elementary School
  • 55 Lexington Road
  • Brampton ON , L6P 2B1
  • Principal: Rick Gavin
  • Vice Principal(s): Marie Steward

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 8, 10)
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First Year


The First Year! 2007-2008

Please follow the links to read all about some of the initiatives of the first year at Father Francis McSpiritt.

Eager Readers


The First Year!

Planning for the new school started in March and the new principal, Laura DiGiambattista, along with secretary Karen Walsh, spent many hours getting everything organised. We weren't allowed in the "under construction" building, except with special permission, hard hats and construction boots!

The school almost wasn't ready on time, and staff were only allowed in the building on the Wednesday before school began -just enough time to get classes set up for school tours that night, (and just enough time for Miss Addario to get engaged onsite!)  That evening, Mrs. DiGiambattista led groups of parents, students and school neighbours around the beautiful new building. Then the contractors and tradespeople spent the next few days putting the finishing touches on the building.

Opening day was exciting, as students gathered in the gym, to find their new teachers, who led them to their new classrooms. Following morning recess, the whole school population, plus parents and guests, gathered at the front of the school for our official opening and ribbon cutting  -blue ribbon of course, representing our blue and silver school colours. (You can read all about that event in detail -see the sidebar on the left for details and photos.)

The first year was so busy! We had sports teams, and clubs; our dance teams won the Board Dance Finals!; we took part in the Terry Fox Walk, had a hugely successful Hallowe'en Dance-a-thon,Christmas Food Drive, and Christmas Concert; we celebrated Remembrance Day, and many wonderful liturgies with Father Papais from St. Patrick's Church. There were many planning meetings to write and develop the School Prayer, Crest, Motto and Mission Statement (check out the details in the sidebars.) Remember Mr. Amodeo on the morning announcements?...."Good morning, Mustangs!"  Why Mustangs?  Father McSpiritt, (known to his congregation as Father "Mac,") after whom our school was named, had two favourite horses, named "Grey Charlie" & "Red Kitty," so it seemed very appropriate to have a horse as our mascot and sports logo.

In May, after much preparation,we celebrated the Blessing of Father Francis McSpiritt School. (Read about the School Blessing in detail by clicking on the sidebar.)

Staff, students, parents and school community members developed a very special bond by being part of the first year of this exciting new school.

The First Staff




Time Capsule

On May 29, 2009, we celebrated the one year anniversary of the solemn blessing of our school with a special liturgy, following which we enclosed a time capsule in the wall near the front door of the school. This is the final step in the construction phase of the school. This time capsule contains a number of special remembrances from our staff and students about our first year at Father Francis McSpiritt.  We hope it will be of great interest when it is opened by future generations of staff, students and parents at our school. 




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