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Father Francis McSpiritt Catholic Elementary School
"In Hoc Signo Vinces"
  • Father Francis McSpiritt Catholic Elementary School
  • 55 Lexington Road
  • Brampton ON , L6P 2B1
  • Principal: Rick Gavin
  • Vice Principal(s): Marie Steward

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 8, 10)
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Back to School: September 2023

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Principal's Message​

      On behalf of the entire school staff, I would like to welcome all students and parents back to Fr. Francis McSpiritt Catholic School. A special welcome to all the new families and staff members who have joined our community this year. 

     I am very excited to continue my professional journey here at Fr. Francis McSpiritt. It is very evident that the Fr. Francis McSpiritt Family Community is a caring and supportive Catholic community. I look forward to continue working collaboratively with you in this incredible Catholic community.

     School staff have been working hard to prepare for our school opening. Thank you to the office team and to the staff who have been preparing their areas for opening day. We thank our custodial staff who have worked throughout the summer to make our school a clean and safe environment. The staff has been busy making preparations to make the transition back to school as smooth as possible. We look forward to working with parents and caregivers as partners in education. I am proud to be part of a staff that continues to strive for excellence in academics and works towards building solid foundations in social, emotional, and spiritual relationships in your children. You have our continued commitment towards student growth and success. As a community, we can be successful when all members work together to establish positive relationships that are open, co-operative and trusting. As a Catholic community, we will be successful when we model our thoughts, words and actions after Jesus Christ. May God bless you and your families.

           Yours in Catholic Education,

           G. Graci


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Back to School Prayer


Blessed are you, Lord God,

Creator of body and mind and heart;

you have sent the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge

to guide your people in all their ways.


At the beginning of this new school year,

in this time of uncertainty and anxiety, we implore your mercy.

Bless and protect our students, staff, and families.

Give wisdom to the decision makers

be they in our schools or in our homes.


Expand the horizons of our minds

and deepen our commitment to seek

the truth of your ways.

Enliven our faith to reach out to those in need,

particularly those who are isolated and lonely.


In these days when so much has changed,

help us to trust in the love of your Son Jesus,

our Divine Teacher, who is the same

yesterday, today, and forever.



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2022-2023 School Year Calendar Ministry Approved.pdf


Back to School Updates and Reminders
September 2022.pdf


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