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St. Martin Catholic Secondary School
"Teach us knowledge, goodness and discipline"
  • St. Martin Catholic Secondary School
  • 2470 Rosemary Drive
  • Mississauga ON , L5C 1X2
  • Principal: Maria Pallotta
  • Vice Principal(s): Joe Zammit
    John O'Donnell

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Bruno Iannicca (Mississauga Ward 7)
    Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 6)
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General School Expectations and Information


  • Students are to be in full and proper uniform throughout the entire school day (8:27 am to 2:25 pm), both within the school and while on school property.  School/school property includes, but is not restricted to, classrooms, hallways, the Cafeteria, the Gymnasium and the Library.
  • A student missing a uniform item is expected to report to the office prior to 8:27am to see their appropriate Vice Principal.
  • Students are to wear the school uniform when representing the school at an out-of-school event. The school uniform will be worn on all educational field trips unless the nature of the trip warrants other attire, as approved by the school principal.  
  • Students who repeatedly violate the Uniform Policy are also in violation of the Catholic Student Code of Conduct and may receive a formal consequence.
  • Non-Uniform items (e.g. Hoodies, baseball hats, visors, bandanas, winter hats) are not permitted at anytime during the school day, before or after school activities and events, including lunch time, spares, and school games.


Golf Shirt: Blue or White St. Martin golf shirt (from McCarthy's) is mandatory AT ALL TIMES.
Pants:   Blue St. Martin pants (from McCarthy's) are mandatory AT ALL TIMES.  Pants are to be neatly hemmed and worn at the waist.
Sweater: Blue St. Martin (from McCarthy's) full-zip sweater is optional.
Shoes: Black or White (or a combination of black and white). No other colours will be permitted. Shoes must be closed toe/closed heel, shoes or boots. Absolutely no slippers, slides, Crocs, sandals, flip-flops, etc., are permitted. 


  • Students must store their phones out of view and powered off or set to silent mode during instructional time, unless otherwise explicitly allowed by the educator during instructional time for a specific purpose.
  • Contravention of these Ministry of Education expectations would be addressed as per the procedures outlined within DPCDSB’s Catholic Code of Conduct.
  • Students who need to use their phones or other electronic devices for health and medical reasons, or to support special education needs, may continue to use them during the school day following consultation with school administration.
  • It is recognized that some parents need to communicate with their children during the school day, and in such instances, parents should contact the school office.
  • ​​Report cards may include comments on students’ distraction levels in class.


Regular and punctual attendance for all classes and scheduled activities is the expectation of every student and is vital to the process of learning.

​Late to class: Students are considered late for class if they are not in the classroom, prepared to work, when the bell rings.​

​​​1-2 lates​​​​

  • Conversation with student
  • Assign consequence(s)
3-5 lates
  • Conversation with student
  • Assign consequence(s)
  • Discussion with parent/guardian​​
6+ lates
  • ​Refer to admin with profile card
  • Consequences and further discussions with parent/guardian

Skips (absent from class without a note or phone call): Absences are considered a skip if students are away for any reason without permission.

​​1st & 2nd Skip
  • Conversation with student
  • Assign consequence (e.g. detention)
  • Discussion with parent/guardian
  • Student’s Vice Principal informed, incident recorded
3rd+ Skip
  • Refer to admin with profile card
  • Vice Principal will assign further consequences (e.g. detention, suspension) and contact parents/guardians​


Each student will be assigned their own locker for use during the school year. The locks used within the school must be from the school inventory. Students will have to purchase a lock from the school for $10.00. Students are strongly encouraged to make use of their assigned locker and should make every attempt to ensure combination secrecy. Lockers are school property with students having temporary use only. It is expected that lockers be kept neat and clean and that materials displayed will respect the value of others. Students will be held responsible for the condition of all materials contained within their assigned locker. It is recommended that valuable items be kept at home.


When the fire alarm sounds, all staff and students must evacuate the school building.  It is a criminal offence to falsely trigger a fire alarm system.  Students deliberately setting a false alarm will be suspended and reported to the police.


If a student is injured while at school or in conjunction with any school activity, please have someone contact the school office so that you may receive help. An Accident Report form must be completed as soon as possible. This form is for student protection and is available at the main office


Food is to be eaten in the cafeteria area only for the safety of all and the consideration for those with anaphylaxis allergies. There is to be no eating/drinking in classrooms, library, gym, hallways, washrooms, etc. In order to keep the building and grounds clean, students are expected to be part of the total team which keeps the school in orderly fashion. Every consideration and assistance should be given to the cafeteria and custodial staff.


The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Students are strongly urged to leave all valuables at home. Personal items should be secured in the student's locker during the school day and the students must ensure that their locker is properly secured. Never leave valuables in the change rooms or unattended anywhere in the school or on the school grounds. The school will not be responsible for any losses or damages.


Students are not permitted to congregate in the halls or washrooms or be at lockers during class time. During your lunch or spare, you should be in the cafeteria or library. 


No smoking/vaping is permitted in the school building or on school property at any time.  Any student smoking/vaping in the school building or on school property, or in possession of a prohibited item (e.g. vape(s)), will be suspended and may be subject to a fine by the Region of Peel Health Department. 


There will be limited student parking facilities on school property.  Only those who have been authorized by administration may park on school property. Parking passes are available to students (free of charge) from the Main Office. Unauthorized cars may be ticketed or towed.


Library, labs and classroom computers, are available to students for research needs.  No e-mail, social media or games use is permitted.  Misuse of computers may lead to immediate withdrawal of privileges.



  • School property is private property.  We do not encourage student visitors from other schools
  • Anyone who is not a registered student or staff member must report to the office to receive permission to visit
  • Causal visitors are not allowed in the building or on the school grounds during the school day. A person who persists in "visiting" without such permission will be charged with trespassing


When the fire alarm sounds, all staff and students must evacuate the school building.  It is a criminal offence to falsely trigger a fire alarm system.  Students deliberately setting a false alarm will be suspended and reported to the police.


If a student is injured while at school or in conjunction with any school activity, please have someone contact the school office so that you may receive help. An Accident Report form must be completed as soon as possible. This form is for student protection and is available at the main office.


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