Welcome to the
Ed LeMay Library Learning Commons
"Teach us Knowledge, Goodness and Discipline"
Our Mission
The Ed LeMay Library Learning Commons is a physical and virtual collaborative space where students and staff can research with their class, in small groups, or individually. Students can study, access online databases and receive technical support from the library staff. Our goal is to foster deep learning through the promotion and development of skills that are essential for success in our knowledge and information based society: Communication, collaboration, creativity, leadership, critical thinking and problem solving. We also provide an extensive collection of reading materials that students can borrow to nurture their love of reading and appreciation of literature.

Library Hours - Monday to Friday: 7:45 am - 3:30 pm
Library Staff
- Teacher-Librarian: Mrs. Salazar-Fogg
- Library Technician: Mrs. A. Tagidou at extension 76024
- The Student I.D card must be presented when signing out books.
- Books are lent out for two weeks.
Virtual Library
Students have access to hundreds of ebooks & audiobooks through Sora by Overdrive.
DPCDSB has made online access available with student ID and password.
Supporting student learning and engagement in reading for enjoyment, these books range from contemporary novels to educational information ebooks.
We also subscribe to academic databases.
Please see Library Staff for username and password.
Overdue Library Materials
Overdue lists will be sent to home room classes at regular intervals.
They may also be emailed directly to students' school email accounts.
Students on the Overdue/Fines List are required to report to the library immediately.
Fines are .20 per day per item to a maximum of $5.00 per item.
Student will be charged the replacement cost for any lost or damaged books as well any fines incurred.
Available In-Library Services
Black and white photocopying/ computer printouts……..........$.10 per print
Colour computer printouts (contact Library staff) ………...........$.50 per print
Scanning is available for Free.
For assistance, ask the the Library staff.
Computer / Internet Usage
Library computers, when not booked for class lessons or assignments, are available to individual students for their research, or other academic needs.
Inappropriate uses, i.e. gaming, negative social media behaviour etc. is not permitted.
Misuse of library computers will result in immediate withdrawal of library privileges.
Code of Behaviour for Library Learning Commons
Ed LeMay Library Learning Commons is considered a classroom
School Uniform is Mandatory when in the library during school hours.
Backpacks, food & drinks (other than water) are not permitted in the library.
Teachers & students can work in a quiet atmosphere enabling them to meet curriculum needs as effectively as possible.
A supportive and inclusive environment for both staff and students is of utmost importance.