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St. Marcellinus Catholic Secondary School
"Let Every Spirit Soar"
  • St. Marcellinus Catholic Secondary School
  • 730 Courtneypark Drive West
  • Mississauga ON , L5W 1L9
  • Principal: Maria Bueno
  • Vice Principal(s): Greg Spagnoli
    Loredana Gencarelli
    Kwadwo Adusei

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 11)
    Thomas Thomas (Mississauga Ward 5)
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 World Religions


Course Code: HRE 3M1 


World Religions introduces students to the various expressions and responses to humanity's encounter with mystery in our quest for life's meaning. The course explores the life wisdom found in the responses of the major faith traditions to the compelling questions concerning the spiritual dimension of human experience, self-understanding, and the role of the individual within the family. In the Family Life Education strand, students explore a variety of topics related to the themes of personhood, family relationships, and sexuality.

Its purpose is to familiarize students with the language of religious discourse and to develop theirawareness of the place and function of religion in human culture. This exploration can lead students to a more authentic adherence to their religious tradition and a deeper commitment to the Catholic faith. It can help to break down prejudices and misconceptions about other religious traditions and, at the same time, strengthen and affirm the students' own search for answers to life's meaning.

This course enables students to discover what others believe and how they live, and to appreciate their own unique heritage. Students will learn about the teachings and traditions of a variety of religions, the connections between religions and the development of civilizations, the place and function of religion in human experience, and the influence of a broad range of religions on contemporary society. This course also introduces students to skills used in researching and investigating world religions.

Students are expected to follow class rules and routines:

  • Regular attendance, full effort and committed participation are necessary for success in this course

Printable Course Outline - Gr. 11 College-University Prep Religion 


The Ontario Curriculum, Program Planning and Assessment 2000 specifies that the mark for the course is to be based upon ongoing or term work (70%) and a final assessment (30%).  The final assessment is broken down into a final culminating activity (10%) and a final examination (20%).

Term Work70%
Final Culminating Activity10%
Final Examination20%

The ongoing or term work will include reflections, small written assignments, literacy initiatives, reports, presentations, quizzes, and unit tests.  The final assessment will include a project, and a final exam.




TEXTBOOK: Exploring World Religions The Canadian Perspective


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