| As a St. Marcellinus graduate (June 2009), I realized I wanted to become a Dental Hygienist. I didn't know much about it, so I took Co-op my first semester and I luckily got placed with Dr. Bentley. Mr. Turano set me up with an interview and next thing I knew it was my first day. I learned so much and got to do a lot of hands on work. It gave me a good idea of what I would hopefully be doing in the future. Some tasks I preformed while at my Co-op placement were: seating patients and making them feel comfortable for their visit, learning about the different instruments used and even helping out with sealants and suction on patients. I took pride in working there every day, and with that attitude, Dr. Bentley offered me a part time job when my Co-op placement was finished. I'm still working there today, gaining plenty of knowledge and experience for my future, not to mention how much easier my College program is now that I already know some of the basics. I highly recommend taking the Co-op program if you know, or have a possible interest in what you want to do as a future career. Even if you don't know, Co-op could help you figure it out! This program helps prepare you mentally and physically for your future endeavours, and helps you figure out if that career is really what you want to do for the rest of your life. So take Co-op to get you one step closer to your future goal! Future Dental Hygienist, Kristen P. |