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St. Marcellinus Catholic Secondary School
"Let Every Spirit Soar"
  • St. Marcellinus Catholic Secondary School
  • 730 Courtneypark Drive West
  • Mississauga ON , L5W 1L9
  • Principal: Maria Bueno
  • Vice Principal(s): Greg Spagnoli
    Loredana Gencarelli
    Kwadwo Adusei

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 11)
    Thomas Thomas (Mississauga Ward 5)
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The Stained Glass Project

A collaborative effort by our Special Education and Visual Arts students has resulted in  our chapel's windows being adorned by beautiful stained glass images.  The winning design, submitted by Kamila Czerwik and Christina Pizzolon was chosen from forty submitted to Mr. Gorecki and Ms. Hickey. Their theme incorporated a unifying structure (a vine that embedded Christian and St. Marcellinus School symbols. Mr. DiFrancesco then designed the final two panels.

The creation of the stain glass followed a series of artistic and technical techniques.  Mr. Gorecki cut the lines, chose the colors and the lead came for the connecting pieces.  The design was enlarged to fit the windows in the chapel.  Special Education and Visual Arts students traced pieces of glass (patterns) and placed it on a large piece of coloured glass, scored it and finished it by grinding it to the exact specification.  The pieces were then wrapped with lead came, soldered together, and puttied to strengthen the panel.  Finally the students applied the black patina to the lead came, polished the glass and transported the panels to the chapel.

The Process


Mr. Gorecki and Jamal Bandoo assembling pieces of the panel.tadandjamalb2.jpg
Greg Nearing and Jamal Bandoo tracing the glass patterns.gregandjamaltracingpatterns.jpg
Rudy Vrba scoring the glass patterns.
Luca Matricciano and Alex Kozlowski applying lead came.lucaandalexputtingleadcame.jpg
Nick Avola and Anjali Arya soldering.  avolaandanjalisoldering.jpg
Miguel Sandoval, Mark Manalac, and Kevin Nguyen transporting the pane to the chapel.miguelmarkandkevintransportingpane.jpg
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