Stairway to Enlightenment
For more information click on the link:
Communication Program
Field Trips Directions Program
Snoezelen Room Planning for Independence
Resource Room and Accomodations:
Outlines Memeory Aids
MARCL - Memory Aid (without lines) - Revised September 2024 (1).pdf
MARCL - Memory Aid (with lines) - Revised September 2024.pdf
Student Success Program
The Student Success Program encourages students to stay in school and to succeed in our educational system. The purpose of the program is to engage or re-engage students as they work toward graduation.
Programs at our School:
Credit Rescue- A program whereby students attempt to catch up in currently scheduled courses that they are not passing at midterm.
Credit Recovery- An opportunity for students to make-up credits that they did not pass in previous years. Admission into this program is based on an application, an interview, and a team meeting.