Attention Parents:
2024-2025 Incoming students to Cardinal Leger - School Cash Online Link: SchoolCashOnline LINK
2025-2026 Incoming Grade 8 students to Cardinal Leger - School Cash Online: Link: 2025-2026 Incoming Grade 8 LINK
2025-2026 Incoming Grade 10-12 students to Cardinal Leger - School Cash Online: 2025-2026 Incoming Grade 10-12 LINK
Please review our school's updated Duty to Report Policy:
Duty to Report Sept 2023 (1).pdf
Please read the following newsletter from our Catholic School Trustee, Ms. Anisha Thomas:
Anisha Thomas March 2023 Newsletter.docx
COMMUNITY INFORMATION BULLETIN Bus Cancellations Secondary School Exam Contingency Day (1).pdf
Trillium Health Community Health Care Options.pdf
eLearning 2022-23 - Ministry of Education Update for eLearning
On February 1, 2022 the Ministry of Education issued the Policy and Procedures Memorandum (PPM 167) regarding the Online learning graduation requirement. Beginning with the cohort of students who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year, all students must earn a minimum of two online learning credits as part of the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma unless they have been opted out or exempted in accordance with the processes described in the memorandum (PPM167).
In order to opt of the online learning graduation requirement, students must return the opt-out
form that they were given by their period 1 teacher. These forms were also posted on their
online platform. These forms must be returned to guidance by Wednesday May 25th. Extra forms
can be found in the main office or guidance.
In order to ensure the health and safety of our students, it is imperative that we are aware of any medical conditions so that we can be prepared in the event of an emergency. If your child has a medical condition (specifically Diabetes, Epilepsy or other seizure disorder, Asthma or Anaphylaxis), please fill out the appropriate Plan of Care form.
GF514.10D DIABETES.pdf
GF514.10C ASTHMA.pdf
If you have already filled out one of these forms while your child has been at Leger, you do not need to complete this step. You are only required to complete the following GF035. This form does not require a physician's signature if there are no changes to your child's medication or medical condition.
GF035 Authorization for Storage and Administration of Medications.pdf
Completed forms can be returned to the school via email at or through your child's period 1 teacher.
Please review the following two news updates regarding smoking and vaping:
Protecting Youth From the Dangers of Vaping.pdf and
Smoke Free Ontario Act 2017.pdf