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Cardinal Leger Catholic Secondary School
"Growing in Truth and Love"
  • Cardinal Leger Catholic Secondary School
  • 75 Mary Street
  • Brampton ON , L6W 3K5
  • Principal: Jason Pratt
  • Vice Principal(s): Yonas Lijiam
    Amy Castellano

  • Superintendents: Viviana Varano
  • Trustee: Anisha Thomas (Brampton Ward 3, 1)
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School Council

​Catholic School Council

School councils play a vital role in the education system in Ontario. They provide a forum through which parents and other members of school communities can contribute to improving student achievement and school performance.

2024-2025 Cardinal Leger Catholic School Council Members

​Krista Garcia ​Co-Chair
​Miguel Naranjo ​Co-Chair
​Rowena Nadal​Treasurer
​Nadia Cieri​Secretary
Dubravka Medved
​Parish Representative
​Diane Pagulayan​OAPCE

​Community Representative
Laura Campbell, Guillermo D’Acosta, Ashley Pakulski​Council Members
​Natasha Boorasingh
Teacher Representative
Felicia Pagulayan
​Student Representative
Scott Samuel
​Non-Teaching Representative​

Cardinal Leger 2024-2025 School Administration

​Amy Castellano
​Vice Principal
​Yonas Lijiam
​Vice Principal
​Jason Pratt

Trustee Wards 1, 3 Anisha Thomas

2024-2025 MEETING DATES:


Nov. 6, 2024 Approved Meeting Minutes:Cardinal Leger CSC Draft Minutes_11-06-24.pdf

Cardinal Leger CSC Draft Minutes_09-26-2024.pdf

All Meetings commence at 6:30 pm in the school library. Enter through Entrance I.

For more information about school councils, download the Get Involved in Your Catholic School Council brochure or visit Central Committee for Catholic School Councils (CCCSC).


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