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St. Julia Catholic Elementary School
"Like the sunflower follows the sun, always turn towards our Good God."
  • St. Julia Catholic Elementary School
  • 6770 Historic Trail
  • Mississauga ON , L5W 1J3
  • Principal: Robert Di Prospero
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 11)
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Math is about Creativity and Making Sense

The key to understanding math is making sense of it.  Many student believe math is a set of formulas that have to be remembered but this belief is associated low achievement.  Math is a very creative subject that is about visualizing patterns and creating solution paths that others can see, discuss and critique.  When working through math at home ask your child:

  • Why does that make sense?  Ask whether their answers are correct or incorrect.

  • Encourage visual mathematics.  Ask your child to draw their solutions and think about how they see math.

Mistakes are valuable and they grow your brain.  Math is a growth subject which takes time to learn and it is all about effort.  Research shows that when students make mistakes, synapses fire and brains grow. When your child makes a mistake say "your brain just grew!" 

Speak Using Your First Language

Parents who continue to speak with their children in their first language at home do not slow down their children's learning of English.  On the contrary, children need to be able to relax into a language they are comfortable speaking when they get home.  Parents are being most helpful when they encourage their children to talk with them in that language about the world around them and about what they are learning in school."  Supporting English Language Learners in Kindergarten – A Practical Guide for Ontario Educators,  2008, pg 26.


Getting Students Hooked on Reading

Tapping into student interests is a great way to encourage your child to read.  Good reading  habits become established when students want to read.  Notice what interests your child. If a child likes a book, it is highly likely they will enjoy other books by the same author.  Graphic novels and non-fiction books are a preferred by many children.  If your child is a resistant reader consider trying different text forms such as these.


Early Years

Experts agree that the early years sets the foundation for lifelong learning, behavior, health and well-being and that early brain development is stimulated through experiences and interactions with responsive adults.  Students in the Full Day Kindergarten program will interact with both a teacher and a Designated Early Childhood Educator who will work together throughout the day to help your children learn.  During the school day children are involved in many different kinds of activities designed to help young learners explore, discover and grow.  They will have opportunities to initiate learning and play, as well as participate in more structured play-based learning under the guidance of an educator.  Research demonstrates that play-based learning leads to greater social, emotional, and academic success.  Experts recognize that play and academic work are not distinct categories for young children:  creating, doing, and learning are inextricably linked.  When children are engaged in purposeful play, they are discovering, creating, improvising, and expanding their learning.


Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

Research around mindset has recently made an impact on education.    Carol Dweck, professor at Stanford University tells us "a fixed mindset is when people believe their basic qualities, their intelligence, their talents, their abilities, are just fixed traits.  They have a certain amount, and that's that.  But other people have a growth mindset.  They believe that even basic talents and abilities can be developed over time through experience, mentorship and so on.  And these are the people who go for it.  ……They challenge themselves and grow..... In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I'm going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here's a chance to grow"  Carol states that it is the drive and the passion to get things done that leads people to success.  So when supporting your children, present challenges as an opportunity to grow and learn.

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