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St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School
"Be Not Afraid...Come Follow Me!"
  • St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School
  • 5555 Creditview Road
  • Mississauga ON , L5V 2B9
  • Principal: Rosina Ariganello
  • Vice Principal(s): Michael O'Grady
    Agnes Pavic

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 6, 11)
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At St. Joseph, the Mathematics Department strives to offer your child the best opportunity to be successful in the area of mathematics in a number of different ways.  Teachers employ a variety of techniques to capture different learning styles.  Some of this includes the incorporation of technology such as iPads, graphing calculators and other PEDs.  With these tools, students are able to use apps such as Desmos or Geogebra to enrich their learning while being lead through most activities by their teacher either on the same technology or on the SMART Board technologies used in every math classroom.

Some of the online resources supported and encouraged by our teachers include: Homework Help​, and Khan Academy.  Ultimately, students are given the chance to excel at their level and strive to achieve to their potential.

In grade 9, students are required to write the EQAO Standardized test, set by the Ministry of Education for Ontario, in both the Academic and Applied streams.  Practice for the test is carried out throughout the semester with in class evaluations.  The test is written the last week of classes in each semester depending on when your child is enrolled in their math course.  Extra practice and information can be found on the government's site. 


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Course Outlines

Foundations of Mathematics - MFM1P1.pdf

Mathematics - MAT1L1.pdf

Mathematics (Locally Developed) - MAT1L.pdf

PreAP Principles of Mathematics - MPM1DP.pdf

Introduction to Computer Studies - ICS2O1.pdf

Mathematics - MPM2D1.pdf

Mathematics (Applied) - MFM2P1.pdf

Foundations of College Mathematics - MBF3C1.pdf

Functions - MCR 3U1.pdf

Functions UC - MCF3M1.pdf

Introduction to Computer Programming - ICS3U1.pdf

Advanced Functions - MHF4U1.pdf

Calculus and Vectors - MCV4UP.pdf

Computer Programming - ICS4C1.pdf

Foundations for College - MAP4C1.pdf

PreAP Advanced Functions - MHF4U2.pdf

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