1. Along with all graduation requirements, you will need SIX Grade Twelve U or M Level courses to apply to university including the specific prerequisites for your chosen program. Make sure your Community Service Hours are completed and submitted to you Guidance Counsellor between October and May.
2. Begin your research by visiting Ontario Universities INFO. This is a guide to Ontario universities for secondary school students. Familiarize yourself with this site. Browse through all of the TABS as you research the various programs to which you would like to apply and the prerequisites. You can also check the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) at www.ouac.on.ca/ouac-101 to assist you in your search. Make a list of the programs that interest you and their OUAC program codes.
4. It is strongly advised that along with visiting university websites, you attend the Ontario Universities’ Fair at the Toronto Convention Centre. You are also encouraged to attend the University/College Information Night at our school. Lastly, you may actually visit the universities that interest you by attending campus tours. Refer to individual websites for available dates and times.
5. There are some very important dates coming up this year with respect to deadlines for university applications. The Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) deadlines is TBD.
6. Take a deep breath!! There will be a University Application Workshop TBD. If you have a spare during this period please make arrangements to be here on this day. We will walk you through the process and provide you with your PIN number so that you may proceed with the application online. You will not be able to apply without this number.
7. Login to MyBlueprint, and in the STUDENT RESOURCES section you can access The Scholarship Report, a newsletter to assist you with your research should you wish to apply for awards.
8. Community Service Forms are also available under STUDENT RESOURCES of MyBlueprint
9. This is an exciting year for you. Do not cause yourself needless stress by putting things off. START TO CONSIDER YOUR FUTURE PLANS NOW!
1. Along with all provincial graduation requirements, there will be specific required courses for your chosen college program. Be sure these courses are on your schedule!! Do not forget to complete your community service hours. Community Service Forms are available on MyBlueprint under STUDENT RESOURCES. They can be submitted from October to May in the Guidance Office.
2. If you are still unsure of your destination next year, you research available programs by visiting www.ontariocolleges.ca. This is a guide to Ontario colleges for secondary school students. Familiarize yourself with this site. Use the TABS as you research the various programs to which you would like to apply. For more detailed information, stop by the Guidance Department on your lunch to look through the booklets available for each college. You are also invited to browse through the specific college websites.
3. It is strongly advised that you attend The Ontario College Information Fair. Find more information by clicking the following link: Ontario Colleges Information Fair. You are also welcome to attend the College/University Information Night here at St. Joseph TBD.
4. Take a deep breath!!! The College Application Workshop will assist you with the application process. The actual deadline for college applications is TBD so you will be prepared well in advance. FAILURE TO APPLY BEFORE THE DUE DATE MAY IMPACT YOUR CHANCES OF BEING ACCEPTED.
5. Make sure you have a realistic plan for next year.
Other Resources
ONTARIOCOLLEGES.CA – The information hub for applying to Ontario’s Public Colleges. Ontariocolleges.ca is for anyone interested in applying to Ontario’s public colleges. You’ll find answers to questions about transcripts, deadline dates and so much more, and you can also:
Find a Program - Use our search engine to browse thousands of Ontario college programs by keyword, start date, credential and more.
Choose a College - Learn more about each of Ontario’s public colleges, view campus locations and find contact information, all in one easy place.
Apply - When you’re ready, apply online to Ontario’s colleges using our secure application.
Confirm an Offer - Once offers are out and you’ve made your final decision, log back in to your application to confirm your choice.
If you are planning at enter into an Apprenticeship there are a number of pathways you can choose:
1) Go directly into an Appenticeship.
2) Attend College programming for pre-Apprenticeship training and/or in-class exemptions.
Can't Decide? Visit: https://trades.ontariocolleges.ca/apprenticeships/college-vs-traditional-pathways/ for information on the benefits of both.
Apprenticeship Tools: