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St. Joan of Arc Catholic Secondary School
"Courage To Believe"
  • St. Joan of Arc Catholic Secondary School
  • 3801 Thomas Street
  • Mississauga ON , L5M 7G2
  • Principal: Adriano Bomben
  • Vice Principal(s): Susan Simeone

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 10)
    Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 8)
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​​“If we had no hope in the Lord, what would we do in this world?

View St. Josephine Bakhita website


The mission of the Parish is to be a Catholic, multicultural community of faith, in the emerging neighbourhood west of Winston Churchill, called to witness and proclaim, to celebrate and share the Hope and Charity we have in Jesus Christ as exemplified by St. Josephine Bakhita, our “Universal Sister” (Pope John Paul II) and “Model of Hope for the twenty-first century” (Pope Benedict XVI).


We are a people who weave together this neighbourhood as:

  • A community of faith, committed to live the Greatest Love of Jesus Christ Crucified, and Mary, Mother of Charity at the foot of the Cross.
  • A community of prayer, nourished by the Word of God, the Eucharist, and the traditions of the Church, reflected in the way we live and celebrate.
  • A community that welcomes every woman and man, child and youth, of all cultures, to equal discipleship in Jesus Christ. A community that is missionary, open to the needs of the world, committed to the promotion of justice, peace, and the stewardship of creation.
  • A community that is not afraid to face its pain and yet deeply trust “in the hope that saves.”

We believe that each one [of us] is called to be the strand that God will use to weave a tapestry in this place; a tapestry that will be intricate and exquisite.

Learn about our Youth Ministry!
PowerPoint presentation. 

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