St. John XXIII A Family of Peace and Hope
To instill an understanding of the role of faith and love of God in their lives, our school will focus on involving students/teachers, from each division, in the planning of masses and liturgical celebrations, as well as, participating in readings, dramatizations and daily prayer. As part of learning the traditions of the Catholic Church, we will spend time teaching our students the parts and responses of the mass. Teachers will continue to support daily prayer through music, school initiatives, and classroom activities. Through our school diversity action plan, we will continue to develop a culture of peace by exploring a deeper meaning of “peace” in our school, home and community environment. We will continue our character education program through our “Terrific Kid” student recognition program. As a school, we will continue to participate in out reach community and church projects demonstrating our theme of “Helping Other People Everywhere.”
As a staff, we articulate our beliefs in communication to the parent community. We believe in providing a learning environment based on a community living the gospel values. We believe that each child is a unique child of God. We believe in providing a learning environment that will help each child grows spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. We believe in a partnership with church, family and school which is essential for learning and faith formation.
Safe, Caring, and Inclusive School Community
Appreciating the needs of a community diversified by cultural heritage, background, local neighbourhood, natural abilities and individual talents, a number of programs are in place and opportunities available to address these differences, while promoting our common vision and developing a strong community. Parents understand expected behaviour, based on values that emphasize mutual respect, individual self-worth and self-discipline in a harmonious and respectful school environment. These instructions are formulated in dialogue with parent representatives and communicated to all students in our school agendas, daily announcements and school behaviour code. The St. John XXIII School policy encompasses routines and procedures that ensure a secure, safe and supportive learning environment for all of our students. Our revised code of student behaviour emphasizes mutual respect, conflict resolution and self-discipline. The school behaviour code is based on the Board program entitled “Safe Schools” and it is endorsed by parents and teachers. Our school motto of “Peace and Obedience” is frequently used to reinforce and encourage co-operative play, conflict resolution and problem solving. Our school has initiated a Culture of Peace program. As a school we have erected an international peace pole, adopted a Peace Pledge to encourage all students to make a commitment to being kind to each other and promoting positive behaviour at school, home and in the community through our “Terrific Kid” student recognition program. We will continue to utilize the Peel Health anti-bullying and anti-drug programs this year with both our School Council and our students. Our Peel police liaison will help us with drug education, cyberproofing, bullying and anti-violence programs.