School Policy on the Use of Personal Electronic Devices
(as per Board General Administrative Procedures 541.00 and Board Policy 8.12)
General Definition of a Personal Electronic Device (PED)
Personal Electronic Devices are wireless and/or portable electronic handheld equipment that include, but are not limited to, existing and emerging mobile communication systems and Smart Technologies (cell phones, walkie talkies, pagers, mobile messengers, Blackberry handsets, PDA’s, video games, CD players, compact DVD players, MP3 players, iPods, digital or film cameras, digital or analogue audio or video recorders and Spy Gadgets.
To promote respect for the dignity of all members of our school community and to enhance student achievement and safety, the use of a PED is strictly prohibited in the school (including portables) or during school related activities (retreats, field trips, sports events etc.) Failure to comply with this policy may result in the confiscation of the PED and/or disciplinary action as outlined in the
Catholic Code of Conduct 2001
The school and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board assume no responsibility for the loss, recovery, repair or replacement of any PED brought on school property. It is the policy of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board that PEDS are to be kept out-of-sight, turned off and not used within school premises or during school sanctioned events. To prevent the loss or damage of PEDs, the school encourages students to leave their PEDs at home or in their lockers.
Please note that the school Principal (or designate) may authorize an individual(s) to use the PED in the school premises or during a sanctioned activity (ie. field trip) for a specific designated purpose (ie. school year end multimedia show).