According to the Education Act, students of compulsory school age must attend school and parents have the obligation to ensure that they attend. Each student has the responsibility to be in attendance at all classes and scheduled activities on time, and with the proper materials required for full participation. Regular attendance at school is critical for the student’s learning and achievement of course expectations. Students who habitually miss class will suffer in the evaluation process because their participation and achievement cannot be fully assessed.
Full attendance during recess and physical education activities is expected, unless a doctor’s note is submitted.
If students are absent from school, parents are requested to telephone (905) 279-9478 as soon as possible before entry in the morning or afternoon. If you know of an upcoming absence, a note to the teacher will suffice.
Students who are late should report to the office. Repeated lateness may result in additional consequences. Students leaving early must have a note from their parent/guardian and must sign out at the office before leaving.
Parents/guardians are requested to utilize the Kiss & Ride lane when they are dropping off students in the morning. DO NOT leave vehicles unattended in the Kiss & Ride lane. The Kiss & Ride lane is open from 8:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Students are expected to exit their vehicle when they have reached the top of the Kiss & Ride lane. Traffic violations may result in tickets, which will be issued by the Parking Control Authority. Students should not be entering the school grounds prior to 8:45 a.m. Our school supervision schedule begins at 8:45 a.m. and ends at 3:45 pm.
Each year, we ask you to complete school emergency forms. It is urgent that these forms be ACCURATE and CURRENT. Please supplement the forms with additional information (i.e. cell phone numbers, work extensions). If information changes throughout the school year, please let us know in writing.
If your child is required under the direction of the child’s physician, to take medication at school, it is the policy of the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board that all parents/guardians submit a completed “Storage and Distribution” form to the school along with the labeled medication. Both the parent and the medical doctor must sign this form. A student may not have any medication including prescription medications and/or over the counter medications on his/her person or in school bags. All medications must be stored in the health room.
In a case where illness or injury appears to be serious, every effort will be made to contact a parent/guardian. If contact cannot be made and it is determined that medical assistance is urgently needed, the Principal or designate may call for an ambulance and a staff member will be sent to the hospital with the child. It is vital that parents / guardians provide the school with updated medical information and current phone numbers.
Students are expected to dress in a manner that is suitable and appropriate to the school environment. Clothing must be free from offensive or questionable language and pictures. Hats or sweatbands should be removed in the school building. Bandanas are not allowed and should not be worn on school property. Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. The following clothing is not suitable for school: tank tops, crop tops and halter-tops, muscle shirts, short-shorts, inappropriately tight fitting clothing and mini-skirts. Clothing that is acceptable for a six-year old student may not be appropriate for a 10 to 13 year old student. Appropriate clothing must be worn for physical education classes (i.e. running shoes).
Physical education and physical fitness are important goals of the school’s curriculum. There will be a broad range of activities within the program and a variety of extra-curricular sports. Students may be directed to have a change of clothes for gym. Any reasonable set of shorts/sweatpants and t-shirt/sweatshirt will be accepted. Running shoes are mandatory in the gym and we would ask parents to purchase shoes with light-coloured, non-scuff soles. Black-soled shoes mark the gym floor and are prohibited in the gym area.
The school provides students with a wide variety of consumable materials such as workbooks, pencils, erasers, rulers and art materials. Texts, library books, calculators and sports equipment are provided for student use. We expect the students to treat these learning tools with respect and to replace or pay for items, which are lost or damaged while in their care. Students may be asked to acquire special items for specific projects. If any school purchases are a hardship for you, please call or send a note to the Principal or the teacher.
Children who come to school are expected to participate fully in all aspects of the school program. This includes taking recess breaks outside with the class. If a child is well enough to come to school, they are considered to be well enough to participate in outdoor recess breaks. If a child has a condition, which requires them to remain indoors over recesses, a doctor’s note will be required. In the event of severe inclement weather conditions, all the children are kept indoors and are appropriately supervised.
1. Students are to stay within the school boundaries and away from the parking lot and the front of the school. Students should also stay back from neighbour’s fences.
2. No throwing of stones, snowballs, or ice is allowed. Frisbees, hard balls, such as Indian rubber, and baseballs are not permitted. Hockey sticks are not allowed in the yard.
3. Students are to obtain a washroom pass from the supervisor on duty in order to enter the school from the yard.
4. Students should wear suitable clothing for weather conditions, as they are expected to take part in outdoor recess on most days.
5. Snacks and drinks are not allowed in the yard. Teachers will provide time for snacks and drinks in classrooms.
Students are expected to consume all food and beverages in their classroom seats and proceed directly outside in an orderly manner. Facilities must be left clean and tidy.
When students remain for lunch, or stay in for rainy day recess, they are to stay seated, talk quietly and tidy up. Permission is required to leave the classroom for any reason. During inclement weather students are expected to engage in quiet activities. Students who regularly eat lunch at school will not be allowed to leave unless picked up by a parent or supervising adult (with written parental permission). Students going out for lunch must sign in and out at the office.
At any time, students are not permitted to leave the school property. If there is a need to leave, a written request by the parent/guardian is required for each occurrence. If an emergency arises and it is absolutely necessary for a student to return home, the school will contact the parents, sitter, etc., for permission.
If children ride their bicycles to school, they are required to walk their bicycles onto the school property. It is required that they park their bikes at the bicycle rack and use a personal lock to secure their bike. The school accepts no responsibility for the security of the bicycles. Parents should take this into consideration when allowing their child to bring their bike to school. The law requires all children to wear proper bicycle helmets when riding a bike. Skateboards, scooters and inline skates are not permitted on school property.
All volunteers are required to submit a current Criminal Reference Check (CRC), in order for the volunteer to be able to have any direct contact with students.
All visitors, including parents and former students must check in at the main office before proceeding to any other school area. They are required to sign in and are assigned an identification badge. If you have to bring a forgotten lunch, or book to school, we request that you leave it on window ledge in the office. If you are picking up your child at school we ask that you wait outside the exit area to avoid disruption of classroom routines.
Computer hardware and networking equipment has an increasingly important role in our schools. All computer usage is to be directed towards sanctioned activities. Use of computers for other purposes, any deliberate misuse, vandalism, damage, tampering or unauthorized access or configuration shall result in disciplinary action. Plagiarism through electronic means will not be tolerated and shall result in disciplinary action and/or academic penalty. Using computer technology to communicate inappropriate, demeaning, harassing or threatening messages shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Achievement is formally reported to parents at the end of each term using the Ontario Provincial Report Card. Teachers will evaluate students’ achievement on a continual basis and these evaluations will be communicated on the Ontario Provincial Report Card. Methods of evaluating students’ achievement are: observation, daily work, tests, projects, portfolios, informal and formal assessments, as well as peer and self-evaluation.
It is necessary to maintain ongoing communication between home and school. If there is any concern, contact the school to discuss your concern.
The school endeavours to inform parents of important dates, events and to clarify school procedures by sending home newsletters, reminders, and information letters throughout the school year.
At times homework may be assigned for your child but the most useful type of homework is the shared experiences that children have with their own families. Activities such as reading, outings, hobbies, games and family discussions provide children with the background necessary to facilitate learning in the classroom. Homework also provides parents with an informal report of their child’s progress. Homework facilitates basic communication between home and
school. Formal homework on a daily basis is age appropriate as follows:
Primary Grades
Opportunities are provided for reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities as well as mathematical skill development. Unfinished work may also be sent home when the teacher feels it is appropriate. Timelines will range from 10 to 30 minutes per night for students in grade 1 to 3.
Junior Grades
Opportunities to complete unfinished classroom assignments will constitute formal homework for this division. Timelines will range from 40 to 50 minutes per night for students in grades 4 to 6.
Intermediate Grades
Formal homework is assigned regularly in conjunction with the prescribed course of study. Timelines will range from 70 to 80 minutes per night for students in grades 7 & 8.
Extended Vacations
Parents are requested to plan vacations outside of school terms, wherever possible, considering the impact of missed school time on the child’s learning. In the event that this is not possible, it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school in writing giving full details. Units of study will not be provided for vacation period.
Unless there is a concern with homework completion, projects and homework will not be assigned during the following holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, March Break, Easter, and Victoria Day.