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St. John Fisher Catholic Elementary School
"Learning in God's Light"
  • St. John Fisher Catholic Elementary School
  • 330 Balmoral Drive
  • Brampton ON , L6T 1V6
  • Principal: RoseMarie Pazzelli
  • Vice Principal(s): Benjamin Goetz

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 7)
    Anisha Thomas (Brampton Ward 3)
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School Site 

January Newsletter

  file cabinet.jpgSt. John Fisher's Newsletters 


 January 2020 Newletter

 October 2019 Newsletter



Follow us on our school Twitter feed for up to date information about what is happening at St. John Fisher.  Head over and take a look @JFDPCDSB, our school hastag #fabatfisher





kissnride.jpgKiss-n-Ride Lanes

Thank you to everyone for helping to keep our Kiss-n-Ride lane clear and efficient for all. The use of our Kiss-n-Ride lanes is for quick drop offs and are not intended for vehicle parking. If you need to get out of your car to escort your child to the gate or playground, please park in any of the available spaces and use the sidewalks for safety. Please let all relatives know this information that are doing drop offs so the message is consistent. We appreciate your support in following the expectations.  If you are interested in volunteering to support with our Kiss-n-Ride we are still accepting applications for Kiss-n-Ride Marshalls.  Please download an application below or pick up a hard copy from the school. 


Talk to your kids about the Zones of Regulation!







 Concussion Brochure








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