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St. John of the Cross Catholic Elementary School
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  • St. John of the Cross Catholic Elementary School
  • 3180 Aquitaine Avenue
  • Mississauga ON , L5N 3S5
  • Principal: Maria Bevacqua
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 9)
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Our Faith

​St. John of the Cross School Mission Statement

As a nurturing Catholic community, which includes students, staff, parish and families, we are committed to the highest quality academic and spiritual growth...we develop our children as self-directed life-long learners.


Catholic Focus

The St. John of the Cross Mission Statement speaks to the parish, home and school triad as a nurturing Catholic community committed to quality spiritual growth and academic growth. In partnership, we work towards developing self-directed life-long learners. As a community, we celebrate and live the virtues and strive to be good Christian stewards who receive God’s gifts gratefully, cherish and tend these gifts in a responsible manner and then share them in justice and love with others. Our Catholic Student Council members model faith, social justice and leadership through a variety of activities including initiating fundraising activities for ShareLife, promoting food drives for St. Vincent de Paul, and encouraging the sponsorship of children in need at Christmas.

St. John of the Cross School has been a part of St. John of the Cross Parish since its inception. The parish priests come to the school to celebrate the Eucharist and to make sacramental visits on various occasions throughout the school year. The whole school is transported to the Church in June for our End of the Year/Graduation Mass and each December our entire community comes together at the Church to celebrate our annual Family Advent/Feast Day Mass.


Parish Information

Here is a link to our Parish page


​St. John of the Cross School Pastoral Plan​​

JCROS - Pastoral Plan 2023-2024-approved.pdf

 Please feel free to click on the above link to learn more about how we as a St. John of the Cross Catholic Community work hand-in-hand with our Parish.

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