Drop down to different sections by clicking on these helpful links.
Welcome to St. Jean Brebeuf!
Welcome back to another school year. It is with great anticipation that we continue our journey at St. Jean Brebeuf building our Catholic community, promoting the bonds between home, school and parish.
Bussed students: parents please check on
www.stopr.ca to determine bussing edibility. Students arriving on the bus will proceed to the back of the school. Iinfo for 2019-2020 school year: click here
>>>*NEW* Bussing UPDATE: Please clck here for a letter regarding bus route changes as of October 15, 2019.
New students: if you are registering your child please proceed to the office. Our phone number is 905.791.8529 . For a boundary map, click the link .
please go to the
Our Faith page for more information about our parish, St. Anthony of Padua, their pastoral plan for 2018-2019, and the sacraments of First Confession, Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Visitors: all visitors to St. Jean Brebeuf,
including parents of students, must report to the office first.
Please sign the Visitor Binder. You may be asked to wear a Visitor badge or sticker. If you are dropping off or picking up a child, please enter the arrival or departure time as well. Thank you.
*NEW* - Have questions about class size and possible reorganization in September? Click the links for information on Elementary School Organization Plans and Combined Grades in the 2019-2020 school year.
School Community Events, 2019-2020
*NEW* - Orange Shirt Day - September 30, 2019 at St. Jean Brebeuf. What is the Story of Orange Shirt Day? Orange Shirt Day (September 30th) is a day when we honour the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada and learn more about the history of those schools. Orange Shirt Day began in Williams Lake in 2013 and has since spread to schools across B.C. and Canada.
Watch the CBC Kids story online: https://www.cbc.ca/kidscbc2/the-feed/what-is-orange-shirt-day
*NEW* - Terry Fox Run at SJB Septmber 26, 2019
The Fall of 2019 marks the 39th year of the amazing and courageous charity run of Terry Fox. A Terry Fox charity event will be held here at St. Jean Brebeuf Elementary school on Thursday September 26th, in the afternoon. Further details will be sent home with students soon. Students will once again be asked to consider a donation to support the work of the Terry Fox foundation. This year donations can be made online – coming soon to School Cash Online https://dpcdsb.schoolcashonline.com/
Meet the Teacher Open House, Thursday, September 19, 6:30-7:30 pm: This event is an opportunity for families to mingle, and to meet their child's teacher and view the classroom and school. Welcome to SJB!
Thursday, Sepember 19 is Picture Day! Bring those smiles!
Registration for students receiving Confirmation will be held Thursday, September 19 at 7:00pm at St. Anthony Church, with the meeting following at 7:30 pm. Please phone the church for any questions at (905) 793-8030 or click on the Our Faith tab.
Bussing information for parents regarding school start up transportation procedures for September 2019, click here. If your home address will be changing during the summer, please notify the office staff at school prior to June 28. Late requests will not be reflected in the planned bus routes to commence in September and may result in transportation services not being available for your child during the first weeks of school. Parents will be responsible for their children getting to and from school until appropriate transportation service is arranged. Also, If your child is moving to grade 2, grade 5, or grade 9 in the 2019-2020 school year, their eligibility status for transportation may be changing. Visit www.stopr.ca for more information.
School Community Events, 2018-2019
St. Anthony of Padua Feast Day: Procession and barbecue, weather permitting, Sunday, June 9, 12:30 mass. St. Anthony's actual feast day is June 13, commemorating his death. There will be 2 masses on Thursday June 13: 9 am and 7 pm. Franciscan friar, doctor of the church, and patron of the poor, Padua and Portugal claim him as their patron saint. He is especially invoked and venerated all over the world as the patron saint for the recovery of lost items and is credited with many miracles involving lost people, lost things and even lost spiritual goods.
EQAO : EQAO is underway for both grades 3 and 6 at St. Jean Brebeuf. Testing begins Tuesday, May 21, 2019 and runs to Monday, June 3, 2019. Please refrain from booking any appointments for your child during these two weeks of school. For more information visit www.eqao.com.
Parent Feedback Survey: The DPCDSB has launched a survey for parents and guardians to share their feedback about our board website from May 21 to June 28, 2019. This survey will help us identify opportunities to improve our communication efforts and to ensure meaningful change. The survey is anonymous and confidential. Thank you for your continued support with this important initiative. Link to survey: https://bit.ly/2SKcCzw
Catholic Education Week: This year’s Catholic Education Week theme is
"Living as Joyful Disciples." Schools across the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) will host special events and activities during Catholic Education Week May 5-10, a number of which are tied to the DPCDSB’s 50th Anniversary. See
flyer for more details on what is happening at St. Jean Brebeuf School. Thank you to the Youth Faith Ambassadors and their teachers for planning the activities.
Le Cafe des
Etolies - the
Cafe: our annual event takes place Thursday, May 9. Families are welcome to join their child have a croissant and enjoy the
magnifique atmosphere, or watch their children perform for the entertainment of all. For a schedule of when you can join your child's class, click
here. Vive la France!
Spring Fundraiser:
Cards. For more information on our latest fundraiser, brought to you by the SJB Parent Council, click
here. Please support our school. All funds raised directly benefit our students.
Easter Food Drive: The Youth Faith Ambassadors are asking for donations which will be going to
Dr. Simone's Warehouse. Click
here for more info on what items can be donated. Thank you!
Student Protests, April 4, 2019. For more information on the potential of a province-wide student protest on Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 1:15 pm, click
here. Please note that this student action is
not being organized or supervised by the DPCDSB.
Ministry announcement, March 15, 2019. Recently announced funding reductions by the Ministry of Education and the potential impact these changes may have on student achievement and well-being are explained and reviewed
- Friday March 29, 2019: Celebrating Earth Hour and the Great Gulp!
Earth Hour: The event is held annually around the world encouraging individuals, communities, and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights for one
hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 pm on March 30, as a symbol of commitment to the planet. At St. Jean Brebeuf we will be shutting off our lights from 11:00am to 1:00pm Friday, March 29, 2019. Go to
http://www.wwf.ca/events/earthhour/ for more information.
The Great Gulp: The Great Gulp is an annual event held every March to help create awareness about the importance of Peel drinking water in our lives. The Eco Team is organizing a school-wide, synchronized drink of tap water. Go to
https://www.peelregion.ca/pw/thegreatgulp/ for more info.
- Welcome back to Ms. Bradbury, DECE in Room 102! We missed you! Thank you Ms. Bossio. We wish you well in your next school, and good luck!
- We would like to congratulate Mr. Foley and Mrs. Foley (nee Miernik) upon their marriage over the Christmas holidays! Best wishes ! !
- St. Jean Brebeuf would also like to welcome Ms. Date, ERW, to our staff. Ms. Date is currently working in the Primary Division in the mornings.
LUNCH TIME! 2019-2020
Pizza day is every Tuesday. Orders can be placed online only. Milk is still sold on those days but supplies are limited.

Milk Sales have returned!
Students can purchase white milk (2%) or chocolate milk (1%) at lunch time for $1.00 starting Monday, September 9, 2019.

Hot Lunches - 2019-2020
More information to come! Check your email and this section regularly for updates.
Useful Links for Parents
Want to Volunteer for a Class Trip?
All volunteers MUST have a valid Vulnerable Sector Records Check even for one-time events, such as field trip
supervision.. We strongly recommend that parents/guardians who are interested in supporting school programs in this manner, please begin this process ASAP. For all volunteers, Vulnerable Sector Records Checks have a
cost of
$35.00 since Jan. 31, 2018. Further information and forms are available in the main office. Click
here to link to the Peel Regional Police’s page regarding a Vulnerable Sector Check (VS) – Volunteer.
Memory Album Book, 2018-2019
If you missed purchasing a School Years Memory Album Book on Open House night from the Parent Council please email
parentcouncilsjb@gmail.com to get yours. For more information on the Memory Album Book, click
Forms and Letters