Help Your Child Learn
Our goal is to educate every child well and to maximize student achievement and well-being. For ongoing resources through the board website to become better informed and fully participate in your child's education, click here.
Information Regarding Occupational Therapy for Students
For an important update regarding Occupational Therapy (OT) for students, click here. OTs are health professionals who work with children in many different settings and who have an expertise in fine and gross motor skill development. Fine motor skills are related to tasks such as printing and writing, cutting with scissors, opening juice boxes and doing up zippers. Gross motor skills include activities like jumping, getting onto the school bus, climbing stairs and running.
- To access elementary curriculum documents, click here.
- For more information on Full Day Kindergarten, click here.
- For more information on Healthy Schools, such as anaphylaxis, concussions, Healthy Food for Healthy Schools and more, click here.
- For more information about the EQAO Assessments, visit EQAO
- For parent information on EQAO including links to school results, click here.
Summer Literacy Camp
Information will be available in Spring 2019.