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St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre
"Serving in the love of Christ."
  • St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre
  • 98 Wanita Road
  • Mississauga ON , L5G 1B8
  • Principal: Michelle McCann
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
    Silvana Gos
  • Trustee: Mario Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 1)
    Regional School – All Trustees
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School Mission:

We, the inclusive Catholic Community of St. James, are called and committed to cultivate an environment where all are inspired to grow spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and culturally. We encourage all to become compassionate life-long learners and active citizens of a diverse global community.

School Motto:

Creative, Collaborative, Curious and Compassionate


Being a divergent thinker to demonstrate their learning.


Being happy to cooperate and collaborate, lead and follow depending on the situation.


Being curious about learning, the world, its people and cultures.


Being understanding and empathetic to others around you.  Demonstrating Christ's message of love and open-mindedness about the opinions of others around us.

​Here is a link to the On-line Reporting Tool

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