Physical Education Department and Athletics Video
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IONA Catholic Secondary
Athlete's Code of Conduct
Thanks God, for giving me life; and talents for my participation in sports.
Help me to play well, to use my powers to the full, to see them as gifts from you.
Be with me when I need to play hurt, when I have to deal with the pain of injury, disappointment, loss.
Keep me aware of the brotherhood/sisterhood I have with all athletes, even when they are opponents; free me from the temptation to fake, to foul, to cheat.
I need to see that dedication to the cause will mean suffering, but let me know that it is the kind of suffering that leads to new life and greater maturity.
Help me play with heart and never lose heart.
Most of all, help me never to quit in my efforts to be open to you. For I believe your full coming into my life is the way to real life in all I do;
I believe it is the way of my becoming the truly human person you destined me to be.
Thomas McNally
"Day By Day: University of Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students"
The goal of our athletics department is to provide the maximum number of students with a positive, rewarding experience that fosters skill development and personal growth, including: a competitive drive, co-operation, dedication, commitment, leadership, responsibility and pride. Most importantly, athletes should learn and experience fair play and respect for their opponents.
Athlete Code of Conduct
Participating in the athletic program at Iona Catholic Secondary School is a privilege granted to students who fulfil their obligations as students and citizens to the best of their ability. This privilege may be removed by the coach and/or school administration as a result of:
- repeated lates to class/practice/games
- repeated absences to class/practice/games
- poor academic performance
Any conduct inconsistent with the Student Code of Behaviour as outlined in the Student Agenda Book and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic Code of Conduct Policy/ Regulations/ Procedures Handbook will result in a review of a student's eligibility to play for Iona.
All athletes must maintain passing grades or they can be withdrawn from a team until their grades improve. Athletes are fully responsible for all missed class work and assignments. Coaches are responsible for verifying that academic standards are being met by student athletes on their team. Athletes for whom concerns about academic achievement has been expressed by teachers will be monitored to determine the advisability of their continued participation. These concerns will be expressed to both the student and parents/guardians, along with the coach, in order that the decision made is in the best interest of the student.
Quitting a Team - Athletes who quit a team after team selection has taken place will not be allowed to try out for another team in the same school year. Exception to this rule is with permission of the athletic director and the coach of the team the player quit given a review of the extenuating circumstances.
Restrictions - Students may play on more than one team at a time, games will take precedence over practice, conflicting practices will be worked out between the coaches involved. Junior athletes that desire and would legitimately earn a starting spot on a Senior team may play up a level.
Athletic Fees – There is an athletic fee of $40 on the first team an athlete plays on. This must be paid prior to the team's first competition. It may paid in cash to the coach or by visa/debit to the main office (office will provide a receipt to show to the coach). The athletic fee is used to pay for the Athletic Banquet dinner, dance, decorations, athletic awards, engraving, plaquing, token gift of appreciation for coaches. Teams that require facility rental (Ice/pool time) or are attending tournaments are required to collect additional fees to cover the cost of their budget.
Uniform – All athletes that will be using a school-owned team jersey are responsible for the replacement value, should they fail to return the uniform in good condition at the end of the season.
Transportation – Athletes will be provided with forms for permission to drive in the school's busette by Class E licensed teachers, board authorized taxis, or to drive themselves. Students may never, under any circumstances, drive with another student driver, but parents/guardians may give permission to drive with another parent on the appropriate form provided.
Athletic Awards
Athlete of the Month
Student-athletes will be recognized monthly for their success
Athlete of the Year (Junior and Senior, Male and Female) is nominated and selected by the coaching staff, and awarded to an outstanding athlete who:
- Distinguishes themselves from others in competition, making great personal and competitive achievements in their individual sport
- Maintains a commitment to academics as well as to their team
- Demonstrates positive leadership qualities in preparation and performance
- Shows respect to coaches, officials, teammates and opponents
- Exemplifies the standards of a Christian student through positive interaction in all aspects of school community
Joseph Moher Award
This award is given to the athlete who exemplifies superior qualities of sportsmanship and fair play while modelling Christian leadership, named after our founding principal.
Joe Sax "Heart & Soul" Award
Awarded by the Phys Ed department to the student that demonstrates an outstanding commitment to Iona Athletics over their career, pouring their "heart and soul" into Iona. This award is named after our founding Business Department Head and Cross Country/Track coach that we sadly lost too early.
The Journey Award
This award is to recognize a graduating student that has dedicated themselves to one sport over their career at Iona.
Junior and Senior Letter Awards
Ten points are awarded for every team that a student plays on. 5 points are awarded for MVP, and more points for ROPSSAA championships and OFSAA appearances. In order to earn your Junior Varsity Letter "I", you must earn 60 points. A Senior Varsity Letter "D" requires 120 points. And, anyone over 175 points will receive special recognition.
Each team has the opportunity to award one Most Valuable Player Award – chosen on the same criteria as stated above for the Athletes of the Year.