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Iona Catholic Secondary School
"Life is a Gift, Faith is a Journey, Learning is our Challenge"
  • Iona Catholic Secondary School
  • 2170 South Sheridan Way
  • Mississauga ON , L5J 2M4
  • Principal: Carl Cini
  • Vice Principal(s): Laura Di Gennaro

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 2, 8)
    Mario Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 1)
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Athletic Fee Letter


September 18, 2017

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Congratulations on your student-athlete being chosen to represent Iona on a school team this year!  The benefits of participating on a school team are numerous.  They include: time management skills; creativity in finding ways to improve; strong focus and concentration development; internal skills for handling pressure; learning when to take risks; leadership skills; and taking responsibility for individual performance.  These skills aid in developing a growth mindset that will go far beyond the sports field or even beyond high school. Student athletes reap the benefits of their training for the rest of their lives.

Every Iona athlete is asked to pay a one-time Athletic Fee of $40 to offset the costs of our program.  This fee will help to cover some of the cost of our Year End Athletic Banquet.  Our budget includes: catering, music, decorations, engraving and plaquing major awards, MVP awards, and tokens of appreciation for coaches.  Some teams will have extra fees to cover the cost of the rink, the fields, or tournament entries.

If you would like your child to participate in the Athletic Program but have extenuating financial considerations, please contact our Department of Physical Education and Athletics.

Good luck to all of our school teams this season!

Kind Regards,


Kristen Priestner

Department Head of Physical Education

& Cooperative Education

(905)823-0136 X65134

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