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Iona Catholic Secondary School
"Life is a Gift, Faith is a Journey, Learning is our Challenge"
  • Iona Catholic Secondary School
  • 2170 South Sheridan Way
  • Mississauga ON , L5J 2M4
  • Principal: Carl Cini
  • Vice Principal(s): Laura Di Gennaro

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 2, 8)
    Mario Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 1)
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English, Moderns and ELL Department



English/Moderns/ELL Office: (905) 823-0136 ext. 65244
Department Head - C. Clarke VM: 80759

​C. Clarke VM 80759​A. Lima VM 81292
​K. Kwasnica VM 81423​M. Slapsys VM 81457
​A. Chung VM 81397R. Stalteri VM
M. Bajorek VM 81394A. Swift VM 81462


Click here for Grades 9 & 10
Click here for Grades 11 & 12
Click here for French As A Second Language for All Grades
Click here for English As A Second Language for All Grades



The English Department offers a wide range of courses that provide exposure to the fundamentals of reading and writing about literature and introduces students to various theoretical approaches, literary genres, and literature from a variety of diverse cultural backgrounds. As students progress through English courses they will engage in more specialized studies of theories, literary periods, genres, and individual authors, with the goal of being able to think in expansive, creative and critical ways.

The goal in English is to equip our students with the tools they need to understand, appreciate, and discuss forms of literary expression across historical and national boundaries, while giving them the freedom and encouragement to pursue their particular interests.
Specific programs in English include Accelerated Reader, which allows students in grades 9 and 10 to select their own books (both fiction and non-fiction), read them both in class and at home, and then take a quiz on elements about the book which translates into marks for students. The program is intended to help guide struggling readers to books they can read successfully, and to push young readers into selecting books that challenge them and their reading ability.
The English Department strives to explore classic literature along with entirely new areas of study such as world literature, Indigenous Studies in literature. Even in courses with the most traditional titles such as Shakespeare, the selection of texts as well as the way they are taught undergoes regular reassessment and alteration.  








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