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Iona Catholic Secondary School
"Life is a Gift, Faith is a Journey, Learning is our Challenge"
  • Iona Catholic Secondary School
  • 2170 South Sheridan Way
  • Mississauga ON , L5J 2M4
  • Principal: Carl Cini
  • Vice Principal(s): Laura Di Gennaro

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 2, 8)
    Mario Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 1)
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Course Calendar

Course Selection for 2021 - 2022


Course selection opened on January 11, 2021 and will close on February 16, 2021.
Students need to access their myblueprint account.
Instruction sheets and Tips sheets are located in the Resource section of mybluepint.
Students need to submit courses through My Blueprint. Once submitted all changes must be made through Guidance.
Help is always available from the Guidance office.​

SUMMARY of Course Offerings for 2021-2022.pdf

Built on Faith, the DPCDSB looks first to scripture, sacrament, and Catholic social teachings for inspiration. Faith formation and its integration into curriculum and climate provide the foundation of our school district.

"Very truly I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and in fact will do greater works than these." - John 14:12


* These courses are not grade specific.

** Focus courses in Art, Health and Physical Education and Technological Education are available in some schools.

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